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International Economic Forum “Caspian Dialogue”

International Economic Forum “Caspian Dialogue”
The Caspian Energy Forum is annually hosted by Moscow as from 2008. The organization of this international event is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Astrakhan region government and with participation of authorities of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, International Energy Agency, International Energy Forum, Gas Exporting Countries Forum, Commonwealth of Independent States, Eurasian Economic Community, Shanghai organization of cooperation, International Gas Union and other international organizations.
Missions of the Caspian Energy Forum
“Energy of Caspian – World Energy”
The core mission of “CEF” is the assurance of stable mutually beneficial energy collaboration between Caspian region countries.
One of the utmost relevant missions of “CEF” is to elaborate incentive mechanisms for efficient exploration, processing and transportation of hydrocarbon resources, assurance of environmental safety of the region.
Among this, broad discussion, collection and generalization of suggestions on improving state energy politics within the framework of the Caspian Energy Forum will contribute reinforcement of national energy safety. The Forum foresees business receptions and bilateral business meetings with participation of executives of international organizations, government authorities from Russia, EC, Asia and Caspian region states.
With the support of the Government of the Russian Federation (incoming document № П2-18798 от 11.06.08), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow hosted the first Caspian Energy Forum (“CEF,2008”) on July 15, 2008. Among the speakers of the Plenary Session were deputy ministers of energy, executives and representatives of diplomatic missions of the Caspian region, as well as Greece, Uzbekistan, France, Belgium, Turkey. Totally 14 foreign countries participated at the Forum. Mr. Anatoliy Yanovskiy, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, Nikolai Laverov, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences delivered greetings at the opening of the Forum. In total 74 speeches and presentations were delivered at the Forum. The event was covered by 45 mass media representatives.
As from 2010 by the decision of the Forum participants International Economy Forum “Caspian Dialogue” (IEF-CD) was instituted and a resolution was made on foundation of the Science and Innovation Council of Caspian.
The mission of “IEF” – is to use the composing factor of the Caspian Sea for consolidation of efforts for the expansion of mutually beneficial scientific-technical, innovation, energy and information collaboration in the Caspian Region.
The Forum should stimulate collaboration in research, exploration, processing and transportation of hydrocarbon resources, which are the basis of the economies of Caspian countries.
The Forum provides information exchange on the activities performed by the states of the region with regards to the innovative upgrade of economy, creation of a reliable marine transportation system, development of ship building, road-transport infrastructure and increase of investment attractiveness of the countries.
For Russia the Forum provides unique opportunity to demonstrate its role as a warrantor for the region sustainable economic development assurance and providing reliable and constructive interactions among major energy powers. The Forum mission accomplishment mechanisms works by means of holding dialogue on regional level with expanded participation of international organizations, energy alliances, representatives of national governments, corporate sector, science and community.
One of the core issues of the International Economy Forum “Caspian Dialogue” - the discussion of environmental safety in the Caspian region with participation of executives of relevant committees of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, departments of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation, representatives from Russian and international state and public organizations, industrial enterprises, corporate structures, scientific and education communities.
The agenda of the Caspian Forum considered suggestions on:
Unified environmental policy for the Caspian region countries, the regulatory assurance thereof;
Harmonization of Russian and international approaches to natural resources and nature protection activities in the Caspian Region with a view to national interests of the Russian Federation;
Application of environmentally sound technologies.
The traditional group of issues of the Caspian Forum was considered at the session “Information systems and new network technologies in comprehensive monitoring of the Caspian region”. Among them:
Collaboration of Caspian bordering States in conduct of geological – geophysical research of the resource potential of the Caspian;
Forecasting and coping of natural and anthropogenic accidents and threats;
Comprehensive multi-level monitoring of the Caspian Sea.
Science and Innovation. Dialogue between scientists and experts.
Development of investment-innovation activity is a key factor of the modernization of the economies of Caspian region countries. The forum pays major attention to the challenges of enhancement of investment attractiveness of the Caspian region. Among the methods of coping with such problems is the implementation of advance achievements of basic and applied research, efficient organization-technical solutions in the field of investment policy.
The programming committee of the Forum annually conducts selection of utmost topical themes for the agenda of the International Economy Forum “Caspian Dialogue”, poster, transmittable and printed speeches, as well as holding broad debate thereabout among the participants of the Forum.
The full version of speeches, as well as presentations and reports of participants and guests, including those unincorporated in the basic agenda are usually placed on the websites www.caspiansovet.ru and www.ros-con.ru
Business program. B2B Dialogue
The organizing committee of the Forum “Caspian Dialogue” paid major attention to the preparation and conduct of bilateral and multi-lateral business meetings among corporate sector officials, representatives from research institutions and innovations structures.
The agenda of the Forum foresees ratification of agreements of intent and memorandums of understanding and cooperation among Russian and foreign companies. Representatives from ministries, embassies and mass media should be invited to the ratification process. A special focus is gives to the presentations of authors and developers of advance technologies, enterprises providing industrial and energy service and producers of energy equipment.
Exhibition program
The exhibition “Innovations for Caspian region” provides a change to get familiarized with advance achievements of the Russian and foreign companied in the sphere of industry, oil and gas complex, electrical power, hydro-energy, nuclear industry, transportation, processing and other linked industries.
International media center
The international media center is equipped with computers connected to internet for accredited journalists. An information stand and copy-center are available.
In the opinion of the Organizers and participants the annual forum International Energy Week “Caspian Dialogue” should be envisaged as an optimal form for collaboration among state structures, business, entrepreneur joint sections, research and public institutions while developing the Russian foreign political position in the Caspian region and further accomplishment of obligations undertaken in front of business and financial community of the countries of Europa and Asia.
All interested organizations are welcome to participate at the International Forum “Caspian Dialogue,2015”.
Mass media representatives are invited to take part at the forthcoming forum as media sponsors.
Organization Committee
IEF “Caspian Dialogue”