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Ярмак Ю.В.
Целеполагание как основа формирования коммуникаций в управленческой деятельности
Ярмак Юрий Васильевич, доктор политических наук, профессор, ГБОУ ВПО «Московский городской педагогический университет»
E-mail: y.yarmak@mail.ru
В статье последовательно анализируется целеполагание как структурное образование любой управленческой деятельности, виды целей, исследуются основания и требования, которые предъявляются по отношению к процедурам формулирования целей. Анализируются особенности прогнозного проектирования целей и задач принимаемых решений, показывается, что все это вместе является основанием деятельности субъекта управления (менеджера, руководителя, в частности, политической структуры).
Ключевые слова: социальные коммуникации, управленческая деятельность, субъекты управления, цель, задача, миссия, целеполагание, целеобслуживание, виды целей.
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Locke E.A., Latham G.P. "Has Goal Setting Gone Wild, or Have Its Attackers Abandoned Good Scholarship?." Academy of Management Perspectives 23.1 (2009): 17—23.
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Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Ярмак, Ю. В. Целеполагание как основа формирования коммуникаций в управленческой деятельности [Электронный ресурс] / Ю.В. Ярмак // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2015. — Т. 9. — Вып. 2: Пространство и время принятия решений. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast9-2.2015.22.
Yarmak Yu.V.
Goal Setting as Basis of Communications Formation in Administrative Activity
Yury V. Yarmak, D.Phil. (Political Sciences), Professor, Moscow City Pedagogical University
E-mail: y.yarmak@mail.ru
Studying the phenomenon of goal-setting, which is the subject of this article, is crucial for any researcher of political and wider social space and processes taking place in it. It defines a set of research tools:as a rule, for the analysis of goal-setting, scholars used methodology relevant fields of activity (social, political, economic, etc.). In contrast to these studies, I apply general philosophical methodology as the main approach, as well as structural-functional and system methods for analyzing goal setting as such.
Analysis, identifying specific goals and objectives that decision-makers set for themselves help to identify the features of social communication, presented in a control system, in particular of political governance. At the same time, as I show in my article, on methodological level, it appears that the procedure of forming objectives, structural features of the goals are universally significant and does not depend on the particular communicative situation, the field for which initially formulated targets, and then the process of their implementation takes place. I sequentially analysed goal-setting as a structural formation of all management activities, types of objectives, grounds and requirements that apply to procedure for formulating objectives. I focus on the features of prognostic projective goals and objectives of decisions: all of them together are the basis activity of the subject of control (manager, supervisor, in particular political institution or body). I pay special attention to the peculiarities of relationship between definition of the objectives and mission of organization, and present different classification of goals.
I conclude on the adaptive nature of goal setting (which determines both institutional and psychological characteristics of this phenomenon).
Keywords: social communications, management activity, subjects of control, goal, task, mission, goal-setting, goal-operating, types of goals.
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Cite MLA 7:
Yarmak, Yu. V. "Goal Setting as Basis of Communications Formation in Administrative Activity." Elektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie Al'manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya [Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time: Space, Time and Decision Making] 9.2 (2015). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast9-2.2015.22>. (In Russian).
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