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Расторгуев В.Н.
Политическая теория и аналитика Александра Панарина
Расторгуев Валерий Николаевич, доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры философии политики и права Философского факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова
E-mail: rv1812@yandex.ru
Статья посвящена осмыслению научного и аналитического наследия одного из наиболее ярких современных мыслителей — А.С. Панарина, в творчестве которого особое место занимают проблемы, возникающие в процессе межцивилизационных взаимодействий в современном мире на фоне качественного изменения глобального политического климата. Предметом исследования стал и непростой жизненный путь Панарина, и особенности его творческого метода, которые позволили ему стать основателем успешно развивающейся российской научной школы и оригинального направления политической философии, а также характерный для его творчества четко прописанный и тщательно отрефлексированный цивилизационный подход. Акцентировано внимание на наиболее продуктивном этапе работы ученого, который пришелся на период начала формирования и институционализации в постсоветской России политических наук. Особое внимание уделено последним работам Панарина, в которых раскрывается природа глобальной стратегической нестабильности и специфика православной цивилизации.
Ключевые слова: концептуальная реконструкция, цивилизационная идентичность, научное наследие, политическая теория и аналитика, стратегическая нестабильность, Православная цивилизация, глобальное прогнозирование, политическое табуирование.
Арон Р. Опиум интеллектуалов // Логос. 2005. № 6. С. 182—205.
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Ефремов А.С., Курило В.С., Бровченко И.Ю., Климов А.А., Красильников К.И., Семистяга В.Ф., Подов В.И. История Луганского края / Под ред. В.С. Курило. Луганск: Альма-матер, 2003.
Кант И. Антропология с прагматической точки зрения. СПб.: Наука, 1999.
Кант И. Ответ на вопрос "Что такое Просвещение?" // Собр. соч.: В 8 т. Т. 8. М.: ЧОРО, 1994. С. 29—37.
Леонтьев К.Н. Чем и как либерализм наш вреден? Племенная политика как орудие всемирной революции. Москва: Директ-Медиа, 2008.
Панарин А.С. Глобальное политическое прогнозирование. М.: Алгоритм, 2002.
Панарин А.С. Критика социальной доктрины Жана Фурастье. Дисс. … к. филос. н. М., 1974.
Панарин А.С. Современный цивилизационный процесс и феномен неоконсерватизма. Дисс. … д. филос. н. М., 1991.
Панарин А.С. Стратегическая нестабильность в ХХI веке. М.: Алгоритм, 2003.
Панарин А.С. Православная цивилизация / Сост., предисл. В.Н. Расторгуев; отв. ред. О.А. Платонов. М.: Институт русской цивилизации, 2014.
Панарин А.С. Россия в цивилизационном процессе (между атлантизмом и евразийством). М.: ИФ РАН, 1994.
Панарин А.С. Север — Юг: сценарии обозримого будущего // Наш современник. 2003. № 5. С. 239—263.
Речь Святейшего Патриарха Кирилла на церемонии присуждения степени honoris causa Московского государственного университета [Электронный ресурс] // Русская Православная Церковь. официальный сайт Московского Патриархата. 2012. 28 сентября. Режим доступа: http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/2496952.html.
Салтыков-Щедрин М.Е. Либерал // Собрание сочинений: В 20 т. Т. 16. Кн. 1. М.: Художественная литература, 1974. С. 162—166.
Трубецкой Н.С. Об истинном и ложном национализме // Трубецкой Н.С. История. Культура. Язык. М.: Прогресс, 1995. С. 120—125.
Alexander-Davey E. "The Rebirth of Russian Conservatism." University Bookman 44.4 (2006). 19 March 2007. Web. <http://www.kirkcenter.org/index.php/bookman/article/the-rebirth-of-russian-conservatism/>.
Bazhanov V.A. "A Note on A.S Panarin's Revansh istorii." Europe-Asia Studies 51.4 (1999): 705—708.
Congdon L. "Conservatism, Christianity, and the Revitalization of Europe." Modern Age 49.4 (2007): 490—497.
Laruelle M. "Larger, Higher, Farther North… Geographical Metanarratives of the Nation in Russia." Eurasian Geography and Economics 53.5 (2012): 557—574.
Laruelle M. "The Two Faces of Contemporary Eurasianism: An Imperial Version of Russian Nationalism." Nationalities Papers 32.1 (2004): 115–136.
Peunova M. "An Eastern Incarnation of the European New Right: Aleksandr Panarin and New Eurasianist Discourse in Contemporary Russia 1." Journal of Contemporary European Studies 16.3 (2008): 407—419.
Panarin A.S. "Russia in Eurasia: Geopolitical Challenges and Civilizational Responses." Russian Social Science Review 37.3 (1996): 35—53.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Расторгуев, В. Н. Политическая теория и аналитика Александра Панарина [Электронный ресурс] / В.Н. Расторгуев // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2015. — Т. 9. — Вып. 1: Цивилизации в эпоху глобализма. К 75-летию со дня рождения А.С. Панарина. Тематический выпуск кафедры философии политики и права Философского факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast9-1.2015.21.
Rastorguev V.N.
Alexander Panarin’s Political Theory and Analytics
Valery N. Rastorguev, D.Phil., Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Philosophical Department, Chair of Philosophy of Politics and Law
E-mail: rv1812@yandex.ru
Modern philosophical discourse, particularly on the question of Russian civilization path, is usually treated from the standpoint of philosophical works formal affiliation to Liberalism, Marxism, or Conservatism (Neo-Conservatism, Eurasianism, and Nationalism). My article examines scientific and analytical heritage of Alexander S. Panarin, who remains one of the most outstanding modern thinkers. In Panarin’s works, the problems arising in process of interaction between civilizations in the modern world against the backdrop of a qualitative change in the global political climate, take a special place. In the same time, his creative work directed against a specific anti-state and anti-Russian liberalism, is cannot be unambiguously attributed either to Conservatism or to Eurasianism, or to Marxism or to Nationalism.
The subjects of my investigation are Panarin’s challenging path of life and peculiarities of his constructive method, which let him become the founder of a successfully developing Russian scientific school and original movement of political philosophy, as well as his clear and deeply reflected approach being typical for his work. For these purposes, I used bio-bibliographical and analytical-reading approaches, as well as comparative method, by means of which I show some common grounds of Konstantin Leontyev's conception and Alexander Panarin's philosophical views.
In my article, I write about Professor Panarin’s scientific biography, his pedagogical gift and manner of working with students. He was open to discussion with any student, even a freshman, helping to overcome the intellectual servitude, to get rid of fear at the adoption of the philosophical approaches.
I also show the reasons for which philosopher Panarin did not become one of ‘Westerners’. First, he knew the value of ‘Westerners’ in the countries of non-West. Those ‘Westerners’ are not only controlled by the West, but also nothing less than are ashamed of national identity and they are afraid of being caught in the role of conductors of national interests of their countries. Secondly, Panarin too highly valued the achievements of Western culture and scientific thought, to merge with ‘obsequious Westernism’ that incites the worst forces in the West, and thus leads to the emergency dramatic discredit the West in the eyes of the majority in non-Western world
In my article, I focused on the most productive stage of Panarin’s work during the period when process of political science’s formation and institutionalization had just started in post-Soviet Russia, and I pay special attention to the latest Panarin’s works revealing the nature of global strategic instability and specificity of orthodox civilization.
Having analyzed in detail Panarin’s writings of the last five years of his life, I conclude Panarin was belong to rare cohort of people who are called systems analyst, because he could solve problems not amenable to set of run-in methods, but he was not part of the System of total unification; he was the opponent of such System and, from this point of view, he was a conservative.
Keywords: conceptual reconstruction, civilization identity, scientific heritage, political theory and analytics, strategic instability, Orthodox civilization, global forecasting, political tabooing.
Alexander-Davey E. "The Rebirth of Russian Conservatism." University Bookman 44.4 (2006). 19 March 2007. Web. <http://www.kirkcenter.org/index.php/bookman/article/the-rebirth-of-russian-conservatism/>.
Aron R. "The Opium of the Intellectuals." Logos 6 (2005):. (In Russian).
Bazhanov V.A. "A Note on A.S Panarin's Revansh istorii." Europe-Asia Studies 51.4 (1999): 705—708.
Berdyaev N.A. Konstantin Leontiev: Essay on the History of Russian Religious Thought. Paris: YMCA-Press, 1926. (In Russian).
Congdon L. "Conservatism, Christianity, and the Revitalization of Europe." Modern Age 49.4 (2007): 490—497.
Efremov A.S., Kurilo V.S., Brovchenko I.Yu, Klimov A.A., Krasilnikov K.I., Semistyaga V.F., Podov V.I. The History of Lugansk Region. Ed. V.S. Kurilo. Lugansk: Alma Mater Publisher, 2003. (In Russian).
"His Holiness Patriarch Kirill’s Speech at the Ceremony of Awarding the Honoris Causa Degree of Moscow State University." Russian Orthodox Church. Official Website of Moscow Patriarchate. Moscow Patriarchate, 28 Sept. 2012. Web. <http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/2496952.html>. (In Russian).
Kant I. Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View. St. Petersburg: Nauka Publisher, 1999. (In Russian).
Kant I. "The Answer to the Question ‘What is Enlightenment?’." Collected Writings. Moscow: CHORO Publisher, 1994, volume 8, pp. 29—37. (In Russian).
Laruelle M. "Larger, Higher, Farther North… Geographical Metanarratives of the Nation in Russia." Eurasian Geography and Economics 53.5 (2012): 557—574.
Laruelle M. "The Two Faces of Contemporary Eurasianism: An Imperial Version of Russian Nationalism." Nationalities Papers 32.1 (2004): 115–136.
Leontiev K.N. What Harm and How Our Liberalism Is Bad? Tribal Politics as an Instrument of World Revolution. Moscow: Direct Media Publisher, 2008. (In Russian).
Panarin A.S. Criticism of Jean Fourastié’s Social Doctrine. Ph.D. diss. Moscow, 1974. (In Russian).
Panarin A.S. Modern Civilization Process and Phenomenon of Neo-Conservatism. Doctoral diss. Moscow, 1991. (In Russian).
Panarin A.S. "North–South: Scenarios of the Foreseeable Future." Nash Sovremennik [Our Contemporary] 5 2003: 239—263. (In Russian).
Panarin A.S. Strategic Instability in the Twenty-First Century. Moscow: Algoritm Publisher, 2003. (In Russian).
Panarin A.S. The Global Political Forecasting. Moscow: Algoritm Publisher, 2002. (In Russian).
Panarin A.S. The Orthodox Civilization. Moscow: Institute of Russian Civilization Publisher, 2014. (In Russian).
Panarin A.S. "Russia in Eurasia: Geopolitical Challenges and Civilizational Responses." Russian Social Science Review 37.3 (1996): 35—53.
Panarin A.S. Russia in the Civilization Process (Between Atlanticism and Eurasianism). Moscow: RAS Institute of Philosophy Publisher, 1994. (In Russian).
Peunova M. "An Eastern Incarnation of the European New Right: Aleksandr Panarin and New Eurasianist Discourse in Contemporary Russia 1." Journal of Contemporary European Studies 16.3 (2008): 407—419.
Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. "Liberal." Collected Writings. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaya literatura Publisher, 1974, volume 16, book 1, pp. 162—166. (In Russian).
Troubetzkoy N.S. "On True and False Nationalism." History. Culture. Language. Moscow: Progress Publisher, 1995, pp. 120—125. (In Russian).
Cite MLA 7:
Rastorguev, V. N. "Alexander Panarin’s Political Theory and Analytics." Elektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie Al'manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya [Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time. Civilizations in the Age of Globalism: On the Occasion of 75th Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander S. Panarin. Thematic Issue of the Chair of Philosophy of Politics and Law, Philosophical Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University] 9.1 (2015). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast9-1.2015.21>. (In Russian).
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