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Иоакеимиди Д. [Ιωακειμίδη Δ.]
Риторические особенности публичной политической речи Президента России В.В. Путина
Иоакеимиди Диана (Ιωακειμίδη Διάνα, Салоники, Греция), дипломированный гид по Греции (Школа Гидов Министерства культуры и туризма Греции, Салоники), бакалавр филологии, магистрант Института Русского языка имени А.С. Пушкина (Москва, Россия)
E-mail: diana.ioakimidi@mail.ru
В статье представлен количественный и качественный анализ конкретной современной речевой практики публичного политика, а именно публичной политической речи Президента России В.В. Путина при ответах на вопросы во время ежегодной пресс-конференции Президента России 19 декабря 2013 г. на материале видеозаписей его речевого поведения.
Ключевые слова: Президент России В.В. Путин, публичная речь, ораторское искусство, речевое поведение, количество слов в предложении, речевые повторы, риторические вопросы.
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Schuler C.A. "Priamaia Liniia s Vladimirom Putinym: Performing Democracy Putin-Style." Drama Review 59.1 (2015): 136—160.
Slade G. "The Russian Idea and the Discourse of Vladimir Putin." CEU Political Science Journal 01 (2007): 44—57.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Иоакеимиди, Д. [Ιωακειμίδη Δ.] Риторические особенности публичной политической речи Президента России В.В. Путина [Электронный ресурс] / Д. Иоакеимиди // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2015. — Т. 8. — Вып. 2. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast8-2.2015.71
Ioakeimidi D.
Rhetorical Features of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Public Political Speech
Diana Ioakeimidi (Ιωακειμίδη Διάνα, Thessaloniki, Greece), Licensed Tourist Guide (School of Tourist Guides, Ministry of Culture & Tourism of Greece, Thessaloniki), B.Litt., Master's Degree student, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute (Moscow)
E-mail: diana.ioakimidi@mail.ru
In the modern world, interest in rhetoric has increased dramatically. In our days, the rhetoric has a special place in education and public life as a tool to control society. Rhetoric is an effective tool for the formation of a worldview by the word. Aristotle had wrote, ‘the word is the most powerful human weapon’. Public political persons’ speech portrait allows the listener to make judgments about whether they are in good shape and their political potential in general.
The subject of my research is President of Russia Vladimir Putin’s public political speech: I examine Vladimir Putin's two particular answers in his annual interview at the 2013 conference using of quantitative method for analyzing video recordings of Vladimir Putin's verbal behavior and method of induction, which allow systematization and generalization of individual linguistic facts.
President Vladimir Putin’s 9th press conference took place on 19 December 2013 at the World Trade Center (Moscow). Vladimir Putin replied to 52 questions during 4 hours 4 minutes. President’s answers to the first two questions were quite lengthy. In general, the length of the first two questions and the response was 16 minutes 5 seconds; the duration of the response word of the President of Russia amounted to 14 minutes and 25 seconds. In response, the President has used 1524 words in the 130 sentences.
In President’s speech, the number of words per sentences is rarely more than 20. Most often, these phrases contain from 10 to 25 words. The maximum length of sentences equals to 46 words, and the smallest sentence consists of one word. President's speech is the intelligible, clear and distinct. Listeners can easily understand and comprehend his speech.
In his speech, Vladimir Putin has not used long and complex sentences. President has replied to journalists' questions, combining long, medium and short sentences. In his press-conference, President preferred short simple sentences and small complex sentences.
Vladimir Putin has used the tactic of emphasis to highlight some point of his speech. President has used a modal adverb with the verb in the infinitive form. As an experienced speaker, the President of Russia in his response skillfully has used repetition. The repetition reinforces the communicative and expressive significance of the utterance contributes to the concretization formulate thoughts, increases conceptual and emotional expressiveness of speech.
In his speech, President has used the everyday language and the language of the media. He actively has used the rhetorical questions. Vladimir Putin speaks quickly and skillfully uses pauses. In his speech, pauses emphasize the importance of his words, as well as necessity to comprehend and understand President’s ideas. Tone of his voice is friendly and consistent with the content of speech. Putin’s voice is smooth and solid; construction of the phrase is very clear and precise; gaze is alive; contact with the public is perfect.
The dominant feature of President’s speech is logicality. Russian President knows how to express his thoughts by consistent, logical and reasoned way. On the one hand, Putin’s speech is restraint, but, on the other hand, it has enough forces, expressiveness and power. This combination of power and restraint convinces listeners and gives them a strong impression. Russian President is competent, flexible, decisive and purposeful orator.
Our analysis of the speech of the President Vladimir Putin's during the annual press conference on December 19, 2013 shows President of Russia confidently fluent in the art of oratory. His speech is intelligible, clear and distinct. Listeners may easily understand and comprehend what he was saying. The Russian President is able to speak clearly, strongly and convincingly. He is a talented orator, he is in good shape and has good political potential, and he honorably represents his country.
Keywords: Russian President Vladimir Putin, public speech, art of oratory, speech behavior, the number of words per sentence, speech replays, rhetorical questions.
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Cite MLA 7:
Ioakeimidi, D. "Rhetorical Features of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Public Political Speech." Elektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie Al'manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya [Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time] 8.2 (2015). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast8-2.2015.71>. (In Russian).