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Давтян-Иоакимиди А.
Особенности преподавания русского языка грекоязычной аудитории
Давтян-Иоакимиди Алиса, преподаватель Института балканских языков и русского языка (Салоники, Греция), член Международной ассоциации преподавателей русского языка и литературы (МАПРЯЛ)
E-mail: alisadavtian@mail.ru
Статья посвящена одной из наиболее сложных проблем преподавания русского языка грекам — проблеме ударения, его подвижности и отклонениям от литературной нормы в разговорной русской речи, а также влияния специфики ударения в греческом языке на ошибки в произношении обучающихся. Предложен примерный учебный план преподавания русского языка в греческой аудитории для учебного курса «Русский язык. Туризм», учитывающий специфику конкретных социальных групп и их целей (потребностей) в изучении русского языка.
Ключевые слова: русский язык, греческий язык, особенности преподавания, грекоязычные студенты, изучение русского языка греками, нормы ударения.
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Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Давтян-Иоакимиди, А. Особенности преподавания русского языка в грекоязычной аудитории [Электронный ресурс] / А. Давтян-Иоакимиди // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2015. — Т. 8. — Вып. 1: Пространство и время образования — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast8-1.2015.51
Davtyan-Ioakimidi A.G.
Peculiarities of the Russian Language Teaching to the Greek Audience
Alisa G. Davtyan-Ioakimidi, Lecturer at the Institute of Balkan Languages and of the Russian Language (Thessaloniki, Greece), member of International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature
E-mail: alisadavtian@mail.ru
In Greece, the need for mastery of spoken Russian language is due to the development of tourist communications with Russia. However, when adult Greeks study the Russian language, they face a number of difficulties. These difficulties are caused by the influence of the Greek language on the perception and understanding of the phenomena of the Russian language. One of the most serious problems is the using of the word stress. It is connected not only with the peculiarities of the Russian language, but with the language of the Greek.
The subject of my article is teaching oral Russian for adult Greeks, especially teaching word stresses. Into Modern Greek language, all polysyllabic words are written the emphasis above the vowel accented syllables. From the emphasis depends on the meaning of the word. The emphasis is used to distinguish between some monosyllabic words-homographs.
Word stress compliance is one of the main requirements to oral speech. However, in the Russian language, there are many deviations from the literary norms. The mobility of Russian word stresses creates difficulties for learning the Russian language of the Greek students. For Greek students studying Russian language, Russian word stress is the most difficult object for explore.
During the Russian language study by foreigners, one of the main causes of variations in word stress from literary norms is the influence of the native language for the foreign student. In our case, the Russian language is in constant interaction with a foreign language, which has its own characteristics of emphasis. When Greeks study the Russian language, Greek word stress has a strong influence on the Russian one. This creates numerous fluctuations places emphasis, deviations from the norm in all parts of speech. It is the influence of the native language of foreign students caused in most cases the instability places the emphasis in Russian spoken language. Sometimes teachers do not even notice any errors in the placement of accents in the language of their foreign students. On the other hand, conversely, they notice these errors, but do not correct them, satisfied that the student is still trying to speak in a foreign language. However, this is wrong. In this approach, learning Russian emphasis very often stays away.
The correct word stress must be embedded in a speech to students. To achieve great results in this case is possible only through the systematic and purposeful work of a teacher. On the one hand, the result of such work is the eradication of spelling errors. On the other hand, this work gives the opportunity to expand active vocabulary of foreign students and allows them correctly and beautifully to speak Russian.
Studying Russian, Greek students want to gain knowledge that will enable them to cope with a range of life situations that they face. In addition, they want to get appropriate knowledge of Russian language; they need to improve their skills in the field of tourism. Therefore, it is always necessary to take into account the specifics of particular social groups and their needs, that in the course of educational process it was possible to create a benevolent environment for joint work for the students to get involved in the learning process.
In my article, I analyze Greek students’ main typical mistakes in oral Russian language, caused by the influence of oral Greek language and learners’ social experience. I also represent an exemplary syllabus of the training course “Russian Language in Tourism”, in which I implemented results of my theoretical and practical experience and achievments.
Keywords: features of foreign language teaching, Greek speaking students, study Russian language by the Greeks of the, the norms of the word stress, Russian language, Greek language.
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Cite MLA 7:
Davtyan-Ioakimidi, A. G. "Peculiarities of the Russian Language Teaching to the Greek Audience." Elektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie Al'manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya: ‘Prostranstvo i vremya obazovaniya’ [Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time: 'The Space and Time of Education’] 8.1 (2015). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast8-1.2015.51>. (In Russian).