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Люшвин П.В. Сейсмогенные явления и некоторые их антропогенные аналоги и последствия от Аристотеля до крейсера «Аврора» (обзор)
Люшвин Петр Владимирович, кандидат географических наук, консультант ООО «ЛИКО» (Москва)
E-mail: lushvin@mail.ru
С древности отмечалась аномальность явлений, связанных с землетрясениями. Основное внимание уделялось атмосферным, гидрологическим и биотическим. Данная статья представляет собой краткий обзор части этих явлений и дана современная трактовка их генезиса.
Ключевые слова: слова: сейсмогенные явления, дегазация, землетрясения, облака, гидробионты, метан, лед, климат, режим попусков с ГЭС, заклепки.
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Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Люшвин, П. В. Сейсмогенные явления и некоторые их антропогенные аналоги и последствия от Аристотеля до крейсера «Аврора» (обзор) [Электронный ресурс] / П.В. Люшвин // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2014. — Т. 7. — Вып. 1. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast7-1.2014.71
Seismic Phenomena and Some of Their Consequences and Anthropogenic Analogues from Aristotle to the Cruiser “Aurora” (Review)
Petr V. Lushvin, PhD (Geography), Consultant at LIKO Ltd. (Moscow)
E-mail: lushvin@mail.ru
Abnormal phenomena linked with earthquakes were chronicled in many countries for a long time. This centuries-old data-site of seismogenic information is very important for Earth science and for practice application.
My article is a brief review and an attempt of classification of several natural earthquakes predictors and their anthropogenic analogs, described in some specialized sources. I paid main attention to atmospheric, hydrological, acoustic, and biotic events. In my review, I gave the extracts from chronicles about some of these phenomena. I also represent contemporary interpretation of their genesis with the use of contact and remote measurements of abiotic and biotic parameters of the environment. I have shown that this is activated seismogenic areas of the Earth's crust, above which electromagnetic disturbances forms. Due to these local perturbations moisture deficit created in the atmosphere. In the presence of meteorological water cloudiness in the region, the clouds over activated Earth's crust split; no dust condenses because meteorological cloudiness parses it into condensation nuclei. Unusual behavior of aquatic organisms and subsequent their reproductive disfunctions or massive fish kill are response to the mass methane seismic degassing.
The ongoing climate warming mainly linked to the Arctic latitudes. Development of both those warming and previous warming events is linked to the secular maximum of earthquakes on the periphery of the Eurasian Plate, seismogenic roiling of detritus and bacterial methanotrophy. Methanotrophy favors transformation of monolithic ice into porous ice, and under mass seismogenic emission of methane it encourages radiation melting of multi-year ice. In cold water, slow gravitational settling of small detritus and volcanic dust results in prevalence of warm winter-spring anomalies in the high latitudes, months of the maximum areal cooling of surface water. The anthropogenic imitation of the seismogenic phenomena is a sharp change in water level at high-head dams and irregularity of diurnal releases from hydroelectric power stations. The fluctuations of water level due to redistribution of load on sedimentary cover cause earthquakes, its diurnal changes resulting in tsunami (wave in harbor) lead to mass fish beaching, detachment of bottom mud, rich in natural gas, and to change in water salinity in the near-shore zone, which is incompatible with living activity of hydrobionts.
In Russia, the main obstacle in consideration of the above-listed phenomena by national science is linked to a human (bureaucratic) factor, when the administrative economy, or ideological patterns, create phony axioms or taboo. The unwillingness of state and Russian officials from a science to support multidisciplinary research causes significant damage to science, industry, economy, and security.
Keywords: seismogenic events, gas emission, earthquake, cloud, hydrobionts, methane, ice, climate, regime of water releases from hydroelectric power station, rivets.
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