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Almanac Space and Time
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Оганесян С.С. Предсказания о миссиях Иисуса и Мухаммеда в трех Священных Писаниях


Оганесян Сергей Саядович, доктор педагогических наук, профессор, государственный советник Российской Федерации 1-го класса, член экспертного совета Комитета по общественным движениям и религиозным организациям Государственной Думы Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации, член редакционного совета журнала «Русский язык в школе»



В статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с указанием на пророческую деятельность Иисуса и Мухаммеда в Торе, Новом Завете и Коране как трех Посланиях от Единого Бога. Обосновывается вывод, что все ссылки на те или иные сведения о пророках, данные в Писаниях, прежде всего, направлены на формирование у верующих убеждения в преемственной связи каждого последующего Послания с предыдущим, а также на осознание неразрывной связи каждого нового пророка и его пророчества с предшествовавшими пророками и Откровениями от Единого Бога.


Ключевые слова: Тора, Новый Завет, Коран, Моисей, Иисус, Мухаммед, пророчества о миссиях Иисуса и Мухаммеда, стратегическое направление развития человечества.




1.                                                    Тора (Пятикнижие Моисеево). С русским переводом / Ред. русск. пер. П.Гиль; под общ. ред. Г. Бранновера. Иерусалим — М.: Шамир — Арт-Бизнес-Центр, 1993. 1136 с.

2.                                                    Библия. Книги Священного Писания Ветхого и Нового Завета. М.: Международный Издательский центр православной литературы, 1995. 1375 с.

3.                                                    Коран. Перевод смыслов и комментарии иман Валерии Пороховой. Изд. десятое, доп. М.: Рипол Классик, 2008. 800 с.

4.                                                    Оганесян С.С. Отношение Корана к иудеям и христианам. Часть 3. Коран о сошедших с праведного пути [Электронный ресурс] // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. 2013. Т. 3. Вып. 2. Режим доступа:

5.                                                    Оганесян С.С. Последовательная передача законодательной инициативы и законодательной функции от Бога человеку // Представительная власть. 2011. № 2—3.

6.                                                    Оганесян С.С., Фарре-Трензелева О.А. Действительно ли человечество идёт к «вечной жизни», о которой говорили Моисей, Иисус и Мухаммед? // Пространство и Время. 2010.а. № 1. С. 160—166.

7.                                                    Оганесян С.С., Фаррэ-Трензелева О.А. Тора, Новый Завет и Коран — три Послания от Единого Бога. Отношение Корана к Торе и Новому Завету, к иудеям и христианам. М.: Гуманитарий. 2008. 200 с.

8.                                                    Оганесян С.С., Фарре-Трензелева О.А. Тора, Новый завет и Коран – закон, правопорядок и законопослушание. Способы формирования правосознания и передачи законодательных функций от Бога человеку. М.: Гуманитарий, 2011.а. 552 с.

9.                                                    Оганесян С.С., Фарре-Трензелева О.А. Формирование правосознания и законопослушания в Торе, Новом Завете и Коране: 1 О природе и назначении Закона в трёх Священных Писаниях// Пространство и Время. 2010.б. № 2. С. 82—87.

10.                                                Оганесян С.С., Фарре-Трензелева О.А. Формирование правосознания и законопослушания в Торе, Новом Завете и Коране: II. О трактовке категорий «ближний», «брат» и «враг» в свете текстов трёх Священных Писаний // Пространство и Время. 2011.б. № 3(5). С. 47—54.

11.                                                Фюстель де Куланж Н.Д. Древний город. Религия, законы, институты Греции и Рима / Пер. с англ. Л.А. Игоревского. М.: Центрополиграф, 2010.

12.                                                Badawi J.A. Muhammad in the Bible. Halifax, NS, Canada: International Islamic Publishing House, 1997.

13.                                                Brown N.O. "The Prophetic Tradition." Studies in Romanticism 21.3 (1982): 367—386.

14.                                                Gabriel M.A. Jesus and Muhammad. Lake Mary, FL.: Charisma House, 2004.

15.                                                Lecouteux C. The Return of the Dead: Ghosts, Ancestors, and the Transparent Veil of the Pagan Mind. Rochester, Vermont, U.S.: Inner Traditions, Bear & Co, 2009.

16.                                                Peters F. "Alius or Alter: The Qur'anic Definition of Christians and Christianity." Islam and ChristianMuslim Relations 8.2 (1997): 165—176.

17.                                                Peters F.E. "Jesus and Muhammad: A Historian's Reflections." The Muslim World 86.34 (1996): 334—341.

18.                                                Peters F.E. Jesus and Muhammad: Parallel Tracks, Parallel Lives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.

19.                                                Phipps W.E. Muhammad and Jesus: A Comparison of the Prophets and Their Teachings. London: SCM, 1996.

20.                                                Rahman F. "Islam's Attitude toward Judaism." Muslim (The) World Hartford, Conn. 72.1 (1982): 1—13.

21.                                                Ur-Rahim M.A., Thomson A. Jesus: Prophet of Islam. Elmhurst, NY: TTQ, Inc., 2003.

22.                                                York M. Pagan Theology: Paganism as a World Religion. New York: New York University Press, 2005.



Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:

Оганесян, С. С. Предсказания о миссиях Иисуса и Мухаммеда в трех Священных Писаниях [Электронный ресурс] / С.С. Оганесян // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2013. — Т. 7. — Вып. 1. —Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast7-1.2014.41




Predictions about the Missions of Jesus and Mohammed in Three Sacred Scripture


Sergey S. Oganesyan, D.Ed., Professor, the 1st class State Counselor of Russian Federation, Member of Expert Council of Committee for Public Associations and Religious Organizations at State Duma of Russian Federation, member of Editorial Council of Journal Russian Language at School



Content- and discourse-analysis of three Scriptures of the world monotheistic religions is of considerable interest not only in terms of relations between these religions. Such analysis of Messages not created by people but sent down from above, reveals both single plan of all mankind's forward development and individual stages of evolutionary development of human mentality.

The object of this study is the text of three Scriptures. In my research, I use comparative analysis of the Torah, the New Testament and the Quran, as well as I compare the Scriptures’ content selected in this manner with a reputable data on contemporary biological and socio-political stage of human development. In my article, I examine the issues related to the directions on the prophetic activities of Jesus and Muhammad, which are contained in the Torah, the New Testament and the Quran as in the three Epistles of the One God.

Based on the text of Scripture, I answer the following questions.

Whether Muhammad heralded that Heavenly Father took Jesus to Himself and that until Day of Judgment the world would not see Him? Yes, he heralded.

Did Muhammad exposed world about sin? Without a doubt, yes, he exposed! Nevertheless, who among the prophets of the One God has not denounced the people to whom he was sent, and who among the prophets has not warned about God’s retaliation for lawlessness…?

Does Mohammed recall information about Jesus Christ and about everything He has brought to people? Yes, he does. In addition, by God's assent, Mohammed recalled that was truer (in terms of the ideology of monotheism) than all fabrications of interpreters of the New Testament before the revelation of the Quran.

Does Muhammad teach people everything that Jesus preached? Of course, he does not, for he was sent on a special mission to his people, who have their own specific identity, their own language, imaginative system of thinking and way of life.

I substantiate the conclusion that in the Scriptures, all information about prophets is directed to creating conviction in connection of each subsequent Epistles from the previous one among believers, as well as to awareness of the inseparable connection of each new prophet and his prophecy with the previous prophets and the Revelations from the Only God.


Keywords: Holy Scriptures, Torah, New Testament, Quran, prophecies about the missions of Jesus and Muhammad, strategic direction of human development, ‘civilization of scientific self-governance’.




The Torah (Five Books of Moses). Eds. P. Gil, G. Drannover. Jerusalem — Moscow: Shamir Publisher, Art-Biznes-Tsentr Publisher, 1993. 1136 p. (In Russian).

The Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnyy Izdatel'skiy tsentr pravoslavnoy literatury Publisher, 1995. 1375 p. (In Russian).

The Quran: Translating Meaning and Comments by Iman Valeria Porokhova. Moscow: Ripol Klassik Publisher, 2008. 800 p. (In Russian).

Badawi J.A. Muhammad in the Bible. Halifax, NS, Canada: International Islamic Publishing House, 1997.

Brown N.O. "The Prophetic Tradition." Studies in Romanticism 21.3 (1982): 367—386.

Gabriel M.A. Jesus and Muhammad. Lake Mary, FL.: Charisma House, 2004.

Fustel de Coulanges N.D. The Ancient City: A Study on the Religion, Laws and Institutions of Greece and Rome. Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf Publisher, 2010. (In Russian).

Lecouteux C. The Return of the Dead: Ghosts, Ancestors, and the Transparent Veil of the Pagan Mind. Rochester, Vermont, U.S.: Inner Traditions, Bear & Co, 2009.

Oganesyan S.S. "On the Relation of the Quran to the Torah and the New Testament, as well as to Judaists and Christians. Part Three. The Quran on Those Who Came Down from the Path of Righteousness." Elektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie Al'manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya [Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time] 3.2 (2013). Web. <>. (In Russian).

Oganesyan S.S. "Consecutive Transfer of Legislative Initiative and Legislative Functions from God to Man."  Representative Authority 2—3 (2011.b). (In Russian).

Oganesyan S.S. "The Origins of Our Legal Nihilism."  Representative Authority 5—6 (2011.a). (In Russian).

Oganesyan S.S., Farre-Trenzeleva O.A. "Formation of Sense of Justice and Law-Abiding in Torah, the New Testament and the Quran. I. About Nature and Appointment of Law in Three Scriptures." Prostranstvo i Vremya [Space and Time] 2 (2010): 82—87. (In Russian).

Oganesyan S.S., Farre-Trenzeleva O.A. "Whether Really the Mankind Goes to 'an Eternal Life' about Which Moses, Jesus and Mohammed Spoke?" Prostranstvo i Vremya [Space and Time] 1 (2010.a): 160—166. (In Russian).

Oganesyan S.S., Farre-Trenzeleva O.A. The Torah, the New Testament and the Quran: Law, Law and Order, and Obedience to the Law. Methods for the Formation of Legal Awareness and Transfer of Legislative Functions from God to Man.  Moscow: Gumanitariy Publisher, 2011. 552 p. (In Russian).

Oganesyan S.S., Farre-Trenzeleva O.A. The Torah, the New Testament, and the Quran — Three Messages from the Only God. The Quran's Stance Toward the Torah and the New Testament, Toward Jews and Christians. Moscow: Gumanitariy Publisher, 2008. 200 p. (In Russian).

Peters F. "Alius or Alter: The Qur'anic Definition of Christians and Christianity." Islam and ChristianMuslim Relations 8.2 (1997): 165—176.

Peters F.E. "Jesus and Muhammad: A Historian's Reflections." The Muslim World 86.3—4 (1996): 334—341.

Peters F.E. Jesus and Muhammad: Parallel Tracks, Parallel Lives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Phipps W.E. Muhammad and Jesus: A Comparison of the Prophets and Their Teachings. London: SCM, 1996.

Rahman F. "Islam's Attitude toward Judaism." Muslim (The) World Hartford, Conn. 72.1 (1982): 1—13.

Ur-Rahim M.A., Thomson A. Jesus: Prophet of Islam. Elmhurst, NY: TTQ, Inc., 2003.

York M. Pagan Theology: Paganism as a World Religion. New York: New York University Press, 2005.



Cite MLA 7:

Oganesyan, S. S. "Predictions about the Missions of Jesus and Mohammed in Three Sacred Scripture."  Elektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie Al'manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya [Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time]  7.1 (2014). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast7-1.2014.41>. (In Russian).


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