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Ажигали С.Е.
Очерк культурного наследия Арало-Каспийского региона
Ажигали Серик Ескендирулы, доктор исторических наук, профессор, главный научный сотрудник, заведующим отделом этнологии и антропологии Института истории и этнологии им. Ч.Ч.?Валиханова Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан, член-корреспондент Международной академии архитектуры стран Востока
E-mail: s.azhigali@gmail.com
Статья посвящена уникальному историко-культурному феномену Северного Прикаспия — Арало-Каспия. Аридно-степной Арало-Каспийский регион рассматривается в этнокультурном контексте. Хозяйственно-культурное освоение региона представлено сквозь призму своеобразия материальной культуры, прежде всего архитектурного наследия. Особое внимание уделено мемориально-культовым сооружениям региона.
Ключевые слова: Арало-Каспийский регион, Мангыстау, Устюрт, культура кочевников и полу-кочевников, мемориально-культовые памятники Западного Казахстана.
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Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Ажигали, С. E. Очерк культурного наследия Арало-Каспийского региона [Электронный ресурс] / С.Е. Ажигали // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2014. — Т. 5. — Вып. 1. — Часть 2: Пространство и время Каспийского Диалога. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast5-1-2.2014.11
Azhigali S.E.
Essay on the Cultural Heritage of the Aral-Caspian Region
Serik E. Azhigali. D.Phil. (History), Professor, Chief Researcher, Ch.Ch. Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of Ministry of Education and Science of Republic Kazakhstan, Head of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Corresponding Member of International Academy of Architecture the Eastern countries
E-mail: s.azhigali@gmail.com
The majority of ancient Turan’s architectural monuments are located in active oil-and-gas development zones of Aral-Caspian Region which is became an economic and geopolitical center. Nowadays the questions of this cultural heritage protection are the matter of interests. Monuments of the ancient nomads and semi-nomads of the Aral-Caspian region is the national pride and lasting property not only of the Kazakh people, but all Turkic nations, many other ethnos, whose history and culture are connected to the ground of the ancient Turan.
Unfortunately, modern Pre-Caspian region's researchers devote far more attention to the power engineering and oil-and-gas-field operating, rather than on unique historical and cultural heritage of the Aral-Caspian area, especially on its central and arid-steppe zones.
In this article, I am considering ethno-cultural niche between the Aral and the Caspian (Mangyshlak Peninsula — Mankystau, — Ustyurt plateau, Northern Pre-Aral and Pre-Caspian regions) as the cultural-genetic center and crossroad of historical paths for many peoples of antiquity, Middle Ages and the New Time. Massagets, Dakhs-Parthian, Alans, Magyars-Hungarians, Oguzes-Seldguks, Kypchaks, Kazakhs, Turkmen, Bashkirs, Kara-Kalpaks and others have created special synthetic historical and cultural space in the region and a special "passionate" type of its inhabitants.
Based on archaeological evidence, I give a brief overview of the history of the Aral-Caspian region since the Paleolithic era. I pay special attention to the most representative part of historical and cultural heritage of the Aral-Caspian that is the mass complex of nomads and semi-nomads memorial-cult architecture monuments of II millennium AD. Based on my 25-years’ experience in archaeological research in Western Kazakhstan, as well as on the classic studies of the twentieth century, I present a general classification of the memorial and religious architecture of the Aral-Caspian region:
(i) mosques are most common on Mankystau, North Ustyurt, in some areas of the North Aral Sea region. Types mosques in Aral-Caspian rock-underground. steppe floor (simple), ground wall ("architectural");
(ii) the domical mausoleums are one of the most popular kinds of the memorial buildings distributed everywhere. There are two groups of this monuments — single-chamber and multichamber, — and numerous types, subtypes and variants distinguished among them;
(iii) architectural fencings that are constructions quadrangular in plan, without overlapping, made of adobe bricks and untreated or poorly-treated stone (limestone blocks). Types of such fencings are differing in the nature of building materials and construction of walls (with elevation angles and without them);
(iv) ‘saganatams’ that are purely Kazakh kind of monumental buildings of the memorial architecture. It is also a fence quadrangular in plan, constructed from carefully saw stone blocks and slabs, very rarely of brick with decorative wall treatment.
(v) ‘kulpytases’ that are grave steles of Kazakhs, the most mass and various categories of monuments of Western Kazakhstan, This type of monuments includes a dug stone carved column, a plate at the headboard of the burial place (from the western side);
(vi) gravestones are also a mass kind of stone-cutting monuments, but they are distributed only in the south areas from the valley of the Sagyz river. Two basic categories of gravestones are the stylizedand sculptural-stylized ones;
(vii) boxes-sarcophagus (sandyktases) are kind of grave constructions from stone plates widespread in the Eastern Pre-Caspian region, on Ustyurt and in Emba River Valley.
(viii) simple fencings that are oval and rounded wall constructions from stone, brick, turf (shym), cane, and metal constructions;
(ix) grave embankments are the traditional ancient kind of memorial structures, widespread everywhere. They vary in material: made of earth, made of stone and earth, and made of stone.
Preservation and further study of memorial architecture of the Aral-Caspian area allow one to reconstruct history of region and are essential for identity formation of its present population, and therefore those objectives are an important scientific and social task.
Keywords: Aral-Caspian region, Magystau, Usturt, culture of nomads and semi-nomads, memorial and religious monuments of western Kazakhstan.
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