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Методологические и эвристические особенности «Лика Земли» Г.Н. Каттерфельда и его значимость для развития глобальных геодинамических концепций
Вершинина Ю.В., Шмакин Б.В.
Методологические и эвристические особенности «Лика Земли» Г.Н. Каттерфельда и его значимость для развития глобальных геодинамических концепций
Вершинина Юлия Васильевна, аспирант, Санкт-Петербургский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет
E-mail: 9385228@gmail.com
Шмакин Виктор Борисович, кандидат геолого-минералогических наук, доцент, главный инженер ООО «НПО Энергогазизыскания», член Комиссии Планетологии СССР, Санкт-Петербург
E-mail: V_Shmakin@mail.ru
Анализируются три характерные черты, два методологических подхода и пять основных положений монографии Г.Н. Каттерфельда «Лик Земли» (1962) — одного из основополагающих трудов по астрогеологии. Прослежена судьба идей монографии за полвека и проанализированы новые открытия в направлении этих идей.
Ключевые слова: антисимметрия, асимметрия, астрогеология, аксиома, геоид, дедукция, Земля, кардиоид, Луна, методология, прилив, пульсация, ротация, трёхосность.
Vershinina Yu.V., Shmakin V.B. Methodological and Heuristic Features of G.N. Katterfeld’s The Face of the Earth and Its Importance for Global Geodynamic Conceptions
Yuliya V. Vershinina, M.Sc., postgraduate, St. Petersburg State Architectural and Construction University
E-mail: 9385228@gmail.com
Viktor B, Shmakin, Sc.D. (Geology and Mineralogy), Associate Professor, “Energogazizyskaniya” Ltd. Science & Production Firm, Chief Engineer, Member of the USSR Commission for Planetology
E-mail: V_Shmakin@mail.ru
Since the beginning of space research a new study stage of the Earth and planets of the Solar system has begun. During this period, the basic principles of contemporary research approaches were formed. Therefore it is very important to rethink the ideas expressed at the dawn of astrogeology.
G.N. Katterfeld’s monograph ‘The Face of the Earth’ (1962, Moscow, in Russian; 1968, Washington DC, in English) is one of basic for astrogeology. Ideas presented in this monograph are the main object of our epistemological study. We demonstrate that Katterfeld’s research possesses three undoubted epistemological advantages: (i) the deepest scientific founding, (ii) axiomatically-deductive approach, and (iii) non-bias and objectivity. We have analyzed the capabilities and effectiveness of Katterfeld's heuristic axiomatically-deductive approach to the genesis of the face of the Earth.
Thus, we show that by applying this methodology Katterfeld formulated five basic ideas constituting axioms for astrogeology. These ideas are: (i) cardioid shape of the Earth; (ii) the core as mechanically different and gradually forming part of the Earth; (iii) regular relations between rotational and thermodynamic parameters of the Earth; (iv) key significant of rotational energy for processes on the Earth; (v) key part of Moon influence for symmetric features on the Earth. It is also essential that Katterfeld substantiated in the astrogeology tradition both the origin of polar and meridional antisymmetry, and classic critical parallels and meridians on the Earth’s surface.
We also have investigated the development of monograph’s ideas for 50 years and analyzed new discoveries in the tideway of Katterfeld’s ideas in methodological aspect.
Keywords: astrogeology, methodology, deduction, axioma, antisymmetry, asymmetry, cardioid, geoid, Earth, Moon, pulsation, rotation, triaxility, tide.