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Европейские пути на Восток в 16 веке: путешествие Фернана Мендеса Пинто и кругосветное плавание Фернана Магеллана
Кухаренко А.М.
Европейские пути на Восток в 16 веке: путешествие Фернана Мендеса Пинто и кругосветное плавание Фернана Магеллана
Кухаренко Артем Михайлович, ученик 8 класса школы № 1199 (Москва).
В статье сравнивается и анализируется изменение мотивов путешествий европейцев на Восток в 16 веке на примере двух путешественников — Фернана Магеллана и Фернана Мендеса Пинто. Описывается, как оба путешественника проделывают свой путь на Восток, изменяясь в процессе путешествия и осознавая разные цели своих путешествий на разных этапах плавания.
Ключевые слова: Испания, Португалия, Восток, христианизация, колонизация, завоевания, экспансия, пряности, географические открытия, путешественники, первооткрыватель, эволюция.
Kukharenko A.M. European Ways to the East in the 16th Century: Ferdinand Mendez Pinto's Journey and Ferdinand Magellan's Circumnavigation Of The World
Artem M. Kukharenko, pupil of 8th class, School No 1199 (Moscow)
The author’s goal was to demonstrate how Europeans gradually changed their perception of the East in the 16th century. This happened due to the various circumstances that appeared during their travels and allowed the Europeans to understand that the East is not only the place where spices are traded. While working, the author came up with the following ideas: the original goal of Magellan’s expedition was to achieve the Spice Islands. Reaching them, voyagers gave up trading, because they wanted to return to Spain as soon as possible. Expeditions’ motives changed to more global — to sail round the world.
Fernão Mendes Pinto started his voyage hoping to gain easy money. In the process of travelling he is changing influenced by the East, and finishes his trip as the truth seeker. In the both original sources the author traced and demonstrated also the evolution of goals of the Europeans who traveled to the East in the 16th century — from merely commercial to human and cultural interests.
Keywords: Spain, Portugal, East, Christianization, colonization, conquest, expansion, spices, geographical discoveries, travelers, discoverer, evolution.