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Искусство видеть мир
Тынянова О.Н.
Искусство видеть мир
Тынянова Ольга Николаевна, кандидат политических наук, ведущий инженер Института физики Земли РАН, научный сотрудник отделения военно-научной информации Военного университета Министерства обороны РФ, главный редактор
E-mail: ucg.ltd@list.ru, pro_gnosis@mail.ru
Представлен краткий обзор статей выпуска. Взаимосвязь материалов отдельных рубрик рассмотрена в свете концепций Л. Витгенштейна («Культура и ценность») и П. Бурдьё («О символической власти», «Поле литературы»).
Ключевые слова: контент, пространство, архитектоника, когнитивные структуры, видение мира
Tynyanova O.N. The Art of Vision of the World
Olga N. Tynyanova, PhD (Political Sciences), Chief Engineer at the RAS Institute of Physics of the Earth, Researcher at Military Research Information Department, Military University of Russian Ministry of Defense, Editor in Chief
E-mail: ucg.ltd@list.ru, pro_gnosis@mail.ru
Editor in Chief provided represents articles of new issue of the Almanac and reveals structural features of its content. The most important features of the new release, according to the Editor in Chief, are
1. H.-D. Genscher's article, in which the former Vice-Chancellor of Germany not only explains the essence of European responsibility of Germans after World War II, but also offers a ‘formula’ of the new Euro-centrism that allows — of course, if this ‘formula’ will have not only all-German, but also all-European convention — to talk about the new stage and new type of geopolitical relations between Europe and the "non-European" world;
2. in this issue first appeared rubric “A page for the future ‘Platos and quick thinking Newtons’ (M.V. Lomonosov)”, which features nine works by students of the 8th—10th humanitarian classes of the Moscow school No 1199, better known as "League of Schools". These extraordinary articles of talented children are a semantic core of Almanac content.
3. the generality of the problem, meanings, and even individual research subjects of various authors at times not just create a unified picture of ‘time and place of action’. In some cases the subject and content of one article is a clear illustration of what described in other one, and in others cases it is a counterargument for the point of view of the some author.
Editor in Chief treats the contents of the new issue of the Almanac as a whole and the interrelation of articles of its rubrics in context of the vision by Ludwig Wittgenstein (‘Culture and Value’) and Pierre Bourdieu (‘On the Symbolic Power’, ‘Field of Literature’).
Keywords: content, space, architectonics, cognitive structure, the vision of the world.