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Пограничное сотрудничество
Дмитриев В.А.
Пограничное сотрудничество
Дмитриев Владимир Александрович, доктор военных наук, профессор, заслуженный деятель науки Российской Федерации, Президент Отделения погранологии Международной академии информатизации, действительный член МАИ и Академии геополитических проблем, контр-адмирал в отставке. E-mail: anton_986@msn.com
В статье рассмотрены основные аспекты пограничного сотрудничества как важнейшего элемента системы трансграничных коммуникаций, обеспечивающего безопасность этой системы. Дано определение пограничного сотрудничество, выделены характерные для него риски и угрозы, предложены пути их минимизации. Система пограничной деятельности и пограничного сотрудничества рассмотрена с позиции теории управления сложными системами.
Ключевые слова: приграничное сотрудничество, служба пограничной охраны, системы пограничной деятельности, пограничное сотрудничество, уровень открытости границ, управление границами.
Dmitriev V.A. Frontier Service Cooperatiоn
Vladimir A. Dmitriev, Doctor of Military Science, Professor, Honored Scientist of Russian Federation, President of Border Science Department at International Informatization Academy, Member of IIA, Member of Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Rear Admiral, retired. E-mail: anton_986@msn.com
Cross-border cooperation has become an important feature of modern international relations of Russia, because many vital interests of the state, including foreign policy, economic, military, and humanitarian contacts are crossed directly on the border. The focus of the author is one of the areas of cross-border cooperation, which is cooperation in the frontier sphere of or frontier cooperating. The author defines the frontier cooperating as a sustainable and prolonged institutional, Border-representation, information, special, scientific, technical, or other communication between the Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation and bodies (the troops) of the Border Guard of neighboring states on a bilateral and multilateral basis that implemented in accordance with the laws of Russia and international agreements. The paper discusses in detail the risks and threats related to frontier cooperating, as well as the legal, economic and administrative causes that hinder its development. Considerable attention author pays to the analysis of frontier cooperating from the standpoint of the theory of organization. In particular, the author explores the correlation between the degree of openness of the border activity system, on the one hand, and the level of management (organization) of boundaries, on the other hand. He shows that four well-known models of cross-border cooperation, namely the barrier, the election, the contact and integrative one, determined not just the level of openness of the system, but also the level of frontier cooperating.
Keywords: cross-border cooperation, Border Guard Service, border activity system, Frontier Service cooperating, level of the border openness, border management.