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Об осуществлении пограничными органами Федеральной службы безопасности реадмиссии по ускоренной процедуре
Паукова Ю.В.
Об осуществлении пограничными органами Федеральной службы безопасности реадмиссии по ускоренной процедуре
Паукова Юлия Викторовна, кандидат юридических наук, заместитель начальника Управления по вопросам гражданства Федеральной миграционной службы. E-mail: ypaukova@mail.ru
В статье рассмотрены некоторые вопросы осуществления пограничными органами реадмиссии по ускоренной процедуре, осуществляемой в отношении иностранных граждан и лиц без гражданства, задержанных на приграничной территории. На предмет возможности применения к лицам мер, влекущих их принудительное перемещение, проанализированы международные правовые акты и российское законодательство по вопросам осуществления реадмиссии по ускоренной процедуре.
Ключевые слова: реадмиссия по ускоренной процедуре, иностранный гражданин, лицо без гражданства, пограничный орган, приграничная территория.
Paukova Yu.V. Concerning the Readmission on Accelerated Procedure Exercised by Frontier Authorities of the Federal Security Service
Yulia V. Paukova, PhD (Law), Deputy Head of Citizenship Department of the Federal Migration Service (Russian Federation). E-mail: ypaukova@mail.ru
In the present article the author examines some points of implementation of the accelerated readmission procedure relative to the foreign citizens and stateless persons detained on the border territory.
The author analyzed the international legal acts in order to determine if it is possible to use the measures involving the forced transfer of these persons. It was concluded that the frontier authorities can transfer foreign citizens within the accelerated procedure of international readmission agreement. A special attention is paid to the necessity of taking into consideration of their family status. At the same time, the author notes that the person is obliged to respect the Russian legislation.
It is emphasized that the foreign citizens preserve their right to appeal the accelerated readmission procedure decision in the frontier authority (including superior authority) and in the court.
The author of the article names the coercive administrative measures which are similar to the accelerated readmission procedure and which are implemented by frontier authorities relative to foreign citizens and stateless persons. Such as the administrative expulsion outward the Russian Federation in case of breaking administrative legislation on State border, the expulsion of trespassers of Russian State border, the transfer on accelerated procedure of foreign citizens according to international agreements on readmission and the transfer of foreign citizens according to international agreements of Russian Federation in terms of frontier authorities cooperation of neighboring countries.
The author examined the main differences of the accelerated readmission procedure from the ordinary readmission. A special attention is paid to the fact that the accelerated readmission procedure is implemented by the frontier authorities at the local level, in difference from the ordinary readmission which is implemented by the Federal Migration Service.
It is noted that the accelerated readmission procedure agreements are concluded with most countries having already agreements of frontier authorities’ cooperation. So, the accelerated readmission procedure is implemented, as a rule, by such frontier authorities and international readmission agreements contain direct indications of it. The Russian legislation in terms of implementation of accelerated readmission procedure is examined in the present article.
Accelerated readmission procedure enlarges the cooperation between the frontier authorities of neighboring countries. At the same time, the implementation experience is necessary to reveal, in its turn, the problem points.
Keywords: readmission on accelerated procedure, foreigner, stateless person, frontier authority, border territory