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Об отношении Корана к Торе и Новому Завету, к иудеям и христианам. Часть 2. Коран о Книге и «людях Книги»
Оганесян С.С.
Об отношении Корана к Торе и Новому Завету, к иудеям и христианам. Часть 2. Коран о Книге и «людях Книги»
Оганесян Сергей Саядович, доктор педагогических наук, профессор, государственный советник Российской Федерации 1-го класса, член экспертного совета Комитета по общественным движениям и религиозным организациям Государственной Думы Федерального Собрания Российской Федерации, член редакционного совета журнала «Русский язык в школе»
E-mail: ossduma@mail.ru
Во второй статье публикуемой серии рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с отношением Корана к Торе и Новому Завету (Евангелию), к «людям Книги» — библейским пророкам (начиная от Авраама и заканчивая Мухаммедом, а также включая Иисуса Христа, которого Коран относит к числу пророков) и ко всем, кто исповедует веру в Единого Бога. Особо обсуждается вопрос о том, каких иудеев и христиан Коран считает благочестивыми.
Ключевые слова: Тора, Новый Завет, Коран, единобожие, иудаизм, христианство, магометанство, ислам, вероучение, заповеди, законы, установления, духовность, библейские пророки, Моисей, Иисус, Мухаммед, дева Мария, Святой Дух, благочестие, Судный День, Единый Бог.
Oganesyan S.S. On the Relation of the Quran to the Torah and the New Testament, as well as to Judaists and Christians. Part Two. The Quran on the Book and the ‘People of the Book’
Sergey S. Oganesyan, Doctor of Pedagogic, Professor, the 1st class State Counselor of Russian Federation, Member of Expert Council of Committee for Public Associations and Religious Organizations at State Duma of Russian Federation, member of Editorial Council of “Russian Language at School” Journal
E-mail: ossduma@mail.ru
The second article examines the issues related to the relationship of the Quran with the Torah and the New Testament (Gospel), as well as to relationship of the Quran to the biblical prophets, from Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob-Israel, Moses, Jesus Christ and to Muhammad.
We show that the Quran not only with the utmost respect and honor treats the Torah and the New Testament, but also regards itself as the third final Message from the One God to mankind. The Quran repeatedly emphasizes the truth of the Torah and the New Testament as the valid Messages from the One God. It contains numerous calls for Jews and Christians to follow those religious doctrines which were revealed to them. It recommends not distorting their primordial essence to please the selfish interests of individuals or clans, because the One God will not forgive distortions of those covenants and establishments, which He granted to the peoples through the Scriptures. We give special coverage to the issues related to the addressee of the Quran. It is grounded that although the Quran, in the first place, was donated to the heathen Arabs, but It is also important for Jews and for Christians as another spiritual direction, from which they can derive many interesting knowledges for their life in new historic times.
In turn, we show that from the Quranic viewpoint all mentioned in the Scriptures prophets are the preachers of the one worldview which was given to them in the Revelation by the One God. All they deserve esteem as righteous men and as persons whom God Himself has chosen for special mission related to the transfer of His Messages to the peoples. The Quran regards all mentioned in the Torah and the New Testament prophets as the true Muslims. We give special attention to the Quranic attitude to Moses and Jesus Christ, who, according to the Quran, being the prophets, are especially close to the One God. The Quran repeatedly refers to the sermons of Moses and for all faithful persons’ edification adduces numerous facts from the life of the great prophet. It minutely narrates about the uncommon Jesus Christ’s birth by the Holy Spirit from the Virgin Mary belonged to the Abraham’s kin. The Quran in more details than the New Testament describes the extraordinary abilities of the Child Jesus whom God Himself has taught “writing and wisdom” and whom has initially destined to become the “sign of the Day of Judgment” and “mercy for all the worlds.
Finally, we are telling about the Quran’s attitude to the people who consider themselves Jews and Christians. The Quran distinguishes among them those who are faithful to the covenants of the Torah and the Gospel and those who have turned away from the path that the One God showed to them. The Quran is full of soulful warmth and esteem to the first of them, calling them pious Muslims. It summons to believe in their words and deeds. But the Quran calls for caution with the second of them. Because they by speeches and different “tricks”, contrivances and temptations can lead the “faithfuls” to God's precepts away from the true path, and they can sow the seeds of doubt in the hearts of just men.
Keywords: Torah, New Testament, Quran, monotheism, Judaism, Christianity, Muhammadanism, Islam, religious doctrine, commandments, laws, establishments, spirituality, Biblical prophets, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Virgin Mary, Holy Spirit, piety, Judgment Day, the One God.