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Vi victa vis est: проблема силового принуждения в истории философской мысли и современном социогуманитарном знании
Колотуша В.В.
Vi victa vis est: проблема силового принуждения в истории философской мысли и современном социогуманитарном знании
Колотуша Вячеслав Владимирович, доктор философских наук, доцент, профессор кафедры социальных и гуманитарных дисциплин Московского психолого-социального института
E-mail: kolot2009@yandex.ru
Статья представляет собой краткий обзор постановки проблемы насилия и силового принуждения и основных методологических подходов, сформировавшихся на данном направлении в философской мысли от античности до рубежа XX и XXI вв. Показаны основные тенденции трансформации представлений о применении силы, а также особенности становления и развития идеи правового принуждения.
Ключевые слова: сила, насилие, применение силы, силовое принуждение, правовое и неправовое принуждение, право, государство.
Kolotusha V.V. Vi victa vis est: Problem of Compulsion with Force in the History of Philosophical Thought and Contemporary Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge
Vyacheslav V. Kolotusha, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at Moscow Psychological and Social Institute
E-mail: kolot2009@yandex.ru
The article presents a brief overview of the problem of violence, compulsion with force, and low enforcement, as well as the main methodological approaches that emerged in this field in philosophical thought from antiquity to the turn of XX and XXI centuries.
The idea of use of force in relations between people undergone quality changes since antiquity, when it became the object of philosophical reflection. Initially, the using of force was justified by the interests of the preservation and prosperity of the state only. Gradually the use of force becomes justified by the interests of human rights and freedoms compliance, i.e., there is a becoming idea of law enforcement. This idea was eventually extended to relations between states, i.e. value of law enforcement as a regulator of relations within a particular society has acquired a positive value also for the regulation of relations between states. The other major trend in the evolution of views on the problem of using force in the history of philosophical thought is a gradual transition from a fragmented analysis of the elements and forms of coercion to a more holistic understanding of this matter, as well as the transition from the initial indistinguishability of types and forms of coercion to their distinct differentiation.
Keywords: force, violence, use of force, coercion, compulsion with force, legal and illegal enforcement, law, state