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«…Кому мы нужны, чтобы нас захватывать?!»
Боярский В.И.
«…Кому мы нужны, чтобы нас захватывать?!»
Боярский Вячеслав Иванович, доктор исторический наук, профессор, действительный член Академии военных наук и Международной академии информатизации
E-mail: bovich@inbox.ru
Рассматривается диалектика партизанства как сложного социально-политического явления, тесная связь содержания понятий «партизанство» и «терроризм», двойственный характер терроризма, возможность включения партизанской войны в концепцию национальной безопасности и военную доктрину, трансформация духовного состояния независимости в патриотизм.
Ключевые слова: независимость, партизанство, терроризм, силы специальных операций, преемственность поколений.
Boyarsky V.I. "...To Whom do We need to Capture Us?"
Vyacheslav I. Boyarsky, Doctor of History, Professor, Member of Russian Academy of Military Sciences and the International Informatization Academy
E-mail: bovich@inbox.ru
The author focuses on the dialectic of guerrilla as a complex social and political phenomenon, and on the close connection between the concepts of "partisan" and "terrorism". Thus, the concept of "partisan" under certain conditions dialectically transforms into the concept of "bandit". Meanwhile, the concept of "partisan" is the basic one for such concepts as "saboteur" and "terrorist". It extremely depends on which side of the barricade you are currently, whose interests do you protect, who are behind you, and who finance you, as well as what are the goals whether of the state represented by its security forces, or of separatists, nationalists, racists, Islamic fundamentalists, or of an ultra-patriots ...
Article represents the author's view of the dual nature of terrorism, the possibility of including the guerrilla war in national security concept and the Military Doctrine, as well as on the transformation of the spiritual condition of independence in patriotism. In patriotism author sees pragmatic aspect. So, on the basis of the law of Vilfredo Pareto it is estimated that a year after the occupation of some parts of the country 10% of the population living on it may become traitors (3% of active and 7% of passive). Of the 90% of patriots 20% will be included in the Resistance and will actively fight the enemy. About 70% of patriots will take a passive wait. This is without any regard to the fact how the population concerns to government and what is the position of that government on the war. The author believes that these passive 70% should be the object patriotic upbringing which means both the need for consolidation.
Keywords: independence, guerrilla movement, terrorism, special operations forces, intergenerational continuity.