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Модель формирования информационно-технологической компетентности преподавателей
Акапьев В.Л.
Модель формирования информационно-технологической компетентности преподавателей
Акапьев Виктор Львович, проректор по материально-техническому и информационному обеспечению Белгородского института повышения квалификации и профессиональной переподготовки специалистов (ОГОАУ ДПО БелИПКППС)
E-mail: akapevvl@yandex.ru
Создание единого образовательного пространства позволит решить проблемы взаимодействия всех участников образовательного процесса, повысить качество профессионального образования. В связи с этим возрастает необходимость формирования информационно-технологической компетентности преподавателей (ИКП), ведущая роль в которой принадлежит региональной системе повышения квалификации. Автором предложена модель формирования ИКП в данной системе.
Ключевые слова: профессиональное образование, информационно-технологическая компетентность, модель формирования информационно-технологической компетентности учителей, компетенция, система повышения квалификации учителей.
Akapiev V.L. Model of Formation of Information and Technological Teachers' Competence
Victor L. Akapiev, Vice Rector at Institute of Professional Development and Professional Retraining of Experts (Belgorod, Russia)
E-mail: akapevvl@yandex.ru
The organization and development of the uniform educational environment is one of the most important tasks at a stage of modernization of educational system and realization of the Secondary Professional Education Federal State Educational Standard. Creation of the uniform educational environment and uniform educational space will allow both to solve problems of interaction of all participants of educational process and to increase quality of professional education. In this regard the need of formation of information and technological teachers’ competence in special educational institutions is increased. Lead role is played by the regional system of improvement of professional skill
Author offers the model of this kind, composed of five blocks, such as
(1) conceptual and target block which includes the target, leading idea, theoretical approaches, trends and principles;
(2) block of content and activity includes directions of the formation information and technological competence (attraction teachers to the values of the information society; mastering the principles of algorithmic and formalization of practical tasks; mastering search algorithms and formal methods of analysis of information; mastering multimedia and interactive learning technologies; study of the methods of visualization and transformation of professional significant information; study of telecommunication systems);
(3) systemic-determination block which defines the organizational and psychological factors of the course training organization, and formulates the necessary pedagogical conditions;
(4) operational and technological block sets the technology formation of informational and technological teachers' competence in the period of full-time training in advanced training courses;
(5) criterion-diagnostic block includes the criteria, indicators and levels of formed information and technological competence, as well as diagnostic tools for determine the levels of this one. The objectives of this block are the analysis, correction and interpretation of the formation such competence.
Keywords: professional education, information and technological competence, model of formation of information and technological teachers’ competence, competency, advanced training courses.