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Критические коэффициенты интенсивности напряжений мёрзлых грунтов, содержащих органическое вещество
Геворкян С.Г.
Критические коэффициенты интенсивности напряжений мёрзлых грунтов, содержащих органическое вещество
Геворкян Сергей Георгиевич, кандидат физико-математических наук, старший научный сотрудник, ОАО «Фундаментпроект» (Москва)
E-mail: Sergev99@yandex.ru
В настоящей работе приводятся результаты экспериментальных исследований зависимости критических коэффициентов интенсивности напряжений КIC мёрзлых грунтов от содержания в них органического вещества.
Ключевые слова: растрескивание, морозобойные трещины, мёрзлые грунты с содержанием органического вещества, коэффициент интенсивности напряжений (КИН).
Gevorkyan S.G. The Critical Stress Intensity Factors of Frozen Soils, Containing Organic Substance
Sergey G. Gevorkyan, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Senior Researcher at Fundamentproect OJSC (Moscow, Russia)
E-mail: Sergev99@yandex.ru
The necessity of studying the laws of frost cracking soils is closely related to the impact of this process on different engineering structures, and with important ‘lie of the ground’ function that this process performs in nature. Due to the active economic development of the Far North quantitative forecast of the main process parameters of frost cracking becomes very important. These parameters are locations of cracks, the distance between ones, and the depth of its penetration into the permafrost, and for this forecast it is necessary to determine the strength characteristics of frozen soil. One of the most important characteristics of the stress state in the vicinity of the crack tip is the stress intensity factor (SIF) KIC. In the development of oil and gas fields in permafrost industry is forced to develop the territory that formed with peat, as well as (more often) with mineral soils containing plant residues. Practice shows that even a small amount of peat significantly affect the strength of the frozen soil. For this reason, we have done special experimental investigations of the dependence of the critical stress intensity factor KIC of frozen soil on the content of organic matter.
These studies showed that increasing the organic matter content in the frozen soil resulting in a decrease of the critical stress intensity factor by a hyperbolic law. Based on the analysis and processing of few hundreds of laboratory measurements of unfrozen water in frozen soils under various different negative temperatures we offered a new relation between the content of unfrozen water in the soil with its temperature by a hyperbolic law and, at the same time, taking into account the temperature of freezing soil.
Keywords: fracture, thermal cracks, frozen soils with content of organic substances, stress intensity factor (SIF).