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Галактическая природа цикличности в истории развития Земли
Кривицкий В.А.
Галактическая природа цикличности в истории развития Земли
Кривицкий Владимир Алексеевич, кандидат геолого-минералогических наук, старший научный сотрудник Музея землеведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова. E-mail: vkrivichi@rambler.ru
Выявлена цикличность в развитии Земли в фанерозое на основании астрономических данных об эволюции Солнечной системы в Галактике. Исходя из параметров эллиптичности движения Солнца вокруг центра Галактики и величины поперечных колебаний Солнца на орбите, оценен интервал между моментами периодических выходов Солнечной системы из коротационной зоны и ее возвращений в эту зону.
Ключевые слова: цикличность в развитии Земли, эволюция Земли, Солнечная система, коротационная зона, космогония.
Krivitsky V.A. Galactic Nature of Cyclicity in History of the Earth Development
Vladimir A. Krivitsky, PhD (Geology and Mineralogy), Senior Researcher at the Earth Science Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University
E-mail: vkrivichi@rambler.ru
We reveal cycles in the Phanerozoic evolution of the Earth on the basis of astronomical data on the evolution of the Solar system in the Galaxy. Within the parameters of the ellipticity orbit of the Sun motion around the galactic center and the magnitude of the transverse oscillations of the Sun in the orbit we estimate interval between periodic exits the Solar system from the corotation zone and returning it to the zone.
We also mention a number of periodic phenomena of geologic history associated with the release of the solar system from the zone corotation. For example, from that moment began splitting and spreading of the unified continental crust — the Pangaea supercontinent; the development of global corotation transgressions leading to sea level rise and flooding of vast continental blocks associate with the periods when the Solar system moves out of the corotation area. The most significant transgression occurred in the Lower Ordovician, the Lower Carboniferous and Lower Cretaceous, and it was always occurred in one and the same sector of the Galaxy. All the largest glaciation and tectonic age fall on the period in the development of the Earth, when the solar system is in the area of corotation, i.e. at a time when the minimum flow of hard galactic radiation and neutrinos. It is established that the endogenous activity of planets correlates with the character of the magnetic field, and this one, in turn, depends on the speed of rotation of the planet. There is a correlation between the geotectonic and geomagnetic characteristics of the Earth and terrestrial planets.
Theory proposed by us, is a good explanation of geological phenomena such as volcanism and ore formation, and is valid for the other planets of the Solar system.
Keywords: cyclic recurrence in the development of the Earth, evolution of the Earth, Solar system, corotation zone, cosmogony.