ISSN 2227-9490
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Electronic Scientific Edition
Almanac Space and Time
[e-Almanac Space and Time]

Часть издательского проекта “Пространство и Время” 
The part of the "Space and Time" Рublishing Рroject



ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ совместного проектаФилософского факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова,Московского общества испытателей природы при МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова,Федерального государственного бюджетного научного учреждения«Институт стратегии развития образования Российской академии образования»и «Электронного научного издания Альманах Пространство и Время»в рамках подготовки и проведенияXIX Всемирного фестиваля молодежи и студентов в РоссииФедерального государственного бюджетного научного учреждения  «Институт стратегии развития образования Российской академии образования», Российского университета дружбы народов, Московского общества испытателей природы при МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова и «Электронного научного издания Альманах Пространство и Время»  в рамках подготовки и проведения  XIX Всемирного фестиваля молодежи и студентов в России

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Каспийский Диалог 2016

На пути к геономической парадигме

Шмакин В.Б.

На пути к геономической парадигме

Шмакин Виктор Борисович, кандидат геолого-минералогических наук, главный инженер ООО «НПО Энергогазизыскания» (Пустошка Череповецкого района Вологодской обл.). E-mail:

Дан обзор и краткий анализ главных идей, подходов и направлений, которые могут быть использованы при создании новой парадигмы в глобальной тектонике — «геономической». Новые подходы становятся многочисленными из-за кризиса тектоники плит. Сравнение эвристических возможностей выявляет самые перспективные направления, среди них воздействие геосфер сверху вниз и ротационно-приливные эффекты в тектоносфере.

Ключевые слова: биосфера, геономия, информация, парадигма, планетология, прилив, расслоение, резонанс, реология, ротация, тектоника, тектоносфера, уникальность, эвристика, энергия.

Shmakin V.B. On the Way to Geonomic Paradigm

Viktor B. Shmakin, PhD (Geology and Mineralogy), Main Engineer at “NPO Energogazizyskaniya” Corp. (Pustoshka, Cherepovetz distr., Vologda region). E-mail:

Here is a review and brief analysis of main ideas, approaches and directions predominantly in Russian bibliography, that may be used to create a new whole paradigm in global tectonics, named geonomic one. New approaches have been especially abundant last decade in connection with crisis of plate tectonics. Heuristic comparison reveals most perspective approaches, as forcing downward from higher to lower geosphere and large role of Moon’s tides for tectonosphere.

The author calls the basic theoretical propositions of geonomic paradigm (heuristic generalizations and hypotheses):

(1) Earth is a unique planet in the Solar system with a large satellite (actually a double planet), continental crust, resistant in its composition, structure and dynamics of the outer geosphere and biosphere. The main difference between the structures of the terrestrial and other planets' tectonosphere is the dominance of the tangent to the surface forces, stresses, and strains on the Earth rather than radial, that there are on other planets.

(2) The presence of the Moon is the indigenous structure-forming factor for the Earth, that modulates rotational energy, and indirectly, via changes of the rotation axis angle inclination to the ecliptic, modulates radiation energy that is the source of external geosphere.

(3) External geosphere earth (that are magnetosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and tectonosphere) form an integrated the inextricable system.

(4) The intensity of the stresses and strains in all external geosphere, including tectonosphere is maximal between critical parallels. Its position depends on the angle of the rotation axis to the ecliptic in the current period (currently at 35º with angle 23º). In the Polar Regions the intensity of deformation decreases, and the main normal stresses direction changes in general to the prevailing meridional, as well as deformation direction changes to sublatitudinal.

(5) All external geosphere, except, perhaps, the magnetosphere (the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and continental lithosphere), in in material (substantial) terms, were created and are maintained in a dynamic equilibrium by living matter.

(6) The main stress occurs during the development of tectonic structures are not and can not be an external application (framework). Detail tectonophysical analysis of complex structures shows that the source of strength, stresses and strains are the structures themselves. In other words, this is the three-dimensional forces (of inertia, gravity, forces of phase transitions in situ, etc) applied to each point of the deformed volume.

(7) In appropriate space-time scale blocks of tectonosphere not are considered as rigid. The more scale, the closer this array to the fractally a viscous medium or viscous liquid. So "the mechanics of plates" and ever tangential transmission of stresses along ones on more than 200—300 km are excluded

(8) The lithosphere is divided on megablocks (continents), towering above the geoid and drifting on the surface of the Earth conforming to the laws of nature under the influence of various rotational and inertial forces (including tidal, wave resonance, etc). The main trend of continental drift is outflaw of continents and increase in its number.

(9) Oceanic and continental rift zones formed at the local submeridional continents continuity disturbances and as consequence — with further heating up and with filling these stretching zones by basic mantle substrate. This one is under its own internal enlargement (the effects of the fluid boiling up, phase transitions, etc.) and later differentiates on the layers of the oceanic crust and the types of basalts.

(10) Zone of active continental margins are formed on the rear sides (mainly on the eastern and southern ones) of the continent, drifting under the influence of rotational forces. This zone is area of lithosphere's active increasing (accretion) by sequential accession of marginal seas, filled with newly formed biogenic sedimentary cover (geosynclines).

(11) Build-up of the lithosphere (geosynclinal process) obeys to both rotationally and biogenic caused laws. It particularly intense occurs on the eastern and southern edges of the continents and in the humid tropical zone. In arid and polar regions the tectonic processes (eg, seismic activity, rifting and geosynclinal process) are sharply weakened.

(12) The destruction of the lithosphere is possible by phase transitions at ultra-deep immersions in the intracontinental hollows (the Black Sea, the Caspian basin), as well as at the early development of the marginal seas (geosynclines)

(13) Common features of the terrestial symmetry and Earth's crystallomorphizm attributively defined by its own unique dynamics and its rotational-gravity-resonant interactions with other celestial bodies, especially the Moon.

Keywords: biosphere, energy, geonomy, heuristics, information, paradigm, planetology, reology, resonance, rotation, stratification, tectonics, tectonosphere, tide, uniqueness.

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