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Новый тип гидротермальных растворов — солянокислые растворы, формирующие ртутную минерализацию (Мутновский вулкан, Камчатка)
Озерова Н.А.
Новый тип гидротермальных растворов — солянокислые растворы, формирующие ртутную минерализацию (Мутновский вулкан, Камчатка)
Озерова Нина Александровна , доктор геолого-минералогических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Института геологии рудных месторождений, петрографии, минералогии и геохимии (ИГЕМ) РАН, «Отличник разведки недр» (2006), действительный член РАЕН. E-mail: o-zero-v@mail.ru
В статье рассматривается ртутоносность фумарольных и гидротермальных продуктов Мутновского вулкана, при обсуждении привлекается материал по соседнему вулкану Горелый.
Ключевые слова: ртутоносность, ртутная дегазация, вулканы Мутновский и Горелый, фумаролы, термальные кот-лы, вулканическая активность.
Ozerova N.A. A New Type of Hydrothermal Solutions, Which are Hydrochloric Acid Solution, Forming a Mercury Mineralization (Mutnovsky Volcano, Kamchatka)
Nina А. Ozerova , Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Leading Researcher at the RAS Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry (IGEM), "Excellence in prospecting" (2006), member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. E-mail: o-zero-v@mail.ru
In this article, the author considers mercury levels in the fumarolic and hydrothermal products Mutnovsky volcano involving material of the nearby Gorely volcano.
The author investigated the form of mercury in acidic solutions, which composition corresponds to those on Mutnovsky volcano. For this purpose she computed equilibrium concentrations of mercury dissolved forms.
Author obtained the following results:
1) in highly acidic chloride solutions with low content of sulphide sulfur (pH 0,016, ΣCl = 1.43 mol / kg H20, H2S to 1x10-4 mol / kg H20) mercury is located in the form of chloride complexes HgCl2-4, HgCl-3 and HgCI02 — in order of decreasing of its importance;
2) in less acidic solutions (pH 1.2 with ΣCI = 1x10-1) mercury, along with chloride complexes is located in elemental form
There is synchronization between the observed increase in volcanic activity of Gorely volcano, on one hand, and the receipt of mercury in fluids in the crater of the volcano Mutnovsky, on the other. During a strong explosive eruption of Gorely volcano in 1980 significantly increased fumarolic activity in the Mutnovsky volcano fumarole fields.
Special studies on the correlation between seismic activity (mantle depths 70—300 km), volcanic activity, and the intensity of mercury releases in the fluid carried out for Mutnovsky Kamchatka block (where the Mutnovsky and Gorely volcanoes are located), indicate the level of mercury mantle degassing (a depth of 100—200 km) in those province.
Keywords: levels of mercury, mercury degassing Mutnovsky and Gorely volcanoes, fumaroles, thermalpots, volcanic activity.