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2016. Том 12. Выпуск 2.
Коломейцев А.Е., Меськов В.С., Сабанина Н.Р.
Пространство интеллектуального мира. Часть 3. Владимир Соловьев. Когнитивные технологии нравственного мира: магия любви, истина любви, мудрость любви (научно-методическая разработка)
Коломейцев Александр Евгеньевич, кандидат философских наук, доцент, Институт «Высшая школа образования и когнитивных наук» Московского педагогического государственного университета (МПГУ)
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7980-8082E-mail: alexander-e-kolomeytsev@j-spacetime.com
Меськов Валерий Сергеевич, доктор философских наук, профессор, Институт «Высшая школа образования и когнитивных наук» Московского педагогического государственного университета (МПГУ)
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7274-1225E-mail: valery-s-meskov@j-spacetime.com; mvs947@yandex.ru
Сабанина Наталия Рафаэльевна, магистрант Института культуры и искусств Московского педагогического государственного университета (МПГУ), старший преподаватель Института «Высшая школа образования и когнитивных наук» МГПУ
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3024-0668E-mail: natalia-r-sabanina@j-spacetime.com; myzeinatali@mail.ru
Способность человека к развитию рассматривается Соловьевым в когнитивной категории (истина), нравственных категориях (свободы, совести, долга, справедливости, веры и любви); в категории гармонии (красота). В работе предложена оригинальная авторская интерпретация взглядов русского мыслителя на становление человека для современного образования, где перспективным направлением развития педагогических когнитивных технологий и формирования методологических принципов образования может послужить исследование таких важнейшими нравственных категорий, как «Любовь» и «Совесть».
Ключевые слова: философия Владимира Соловьева; когнитивные и нравственные категории; педагогические когнитивные категории; Любовь; Совесть; Бог.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Коломейцев, А. Е., Меськов, В. С., Сабанина, Н. Р. Пространство интеллектуального мира. Часть 3. Владимир Соловьев. Когнитивные технологии нравственного мира: магия любви, истина любви, мудрость любви (научно-методическая разработка) [Электронный ресурс] / А.Е. Коломейцев, В.С. Меськов, Н.Р. Сабанина // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2016. — Т. 12. — Вып. 2. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast12-2.2016.22
Kolomeytsev A.E., Meskov V.S., Sabanina N.R.
Space of the Intellectual World. Part Three. Vladimir Solovyov. Cognitive Technologies of Moral World: Magic of Love; Veritas of Love; Wisdom of Love (Scientific-methodical Study Aid)
Alexander E. Kolomeytsev, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Institute “Higher School of Education” of the Moscow Pedagogical State University
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7980-8082E-mail: alexander-e-kolomeytsev@j-spacetime.com
Valery S. Meskov, D.Phil., Professor, Institute “Higher School of Education” of the Moscow Pedagogical State University
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7274-1225E-mail: valery-s-meskov@j-spacetime.com; mvs947@yandex.ru
Natalia R. Sabanina, B.Sc. (Psychology), Master’s Degree student at the Moscow Pedagogical State University, Senior Lecturer at Institute “Higher School of Education” of the Moscow Pedagogical State University
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3024-0668E-mail: natalia-r-sabanina@j-spacetime.com; myzeinatali@mail.ru
Superficial vision of contemporary problems including in the field of education and search for their easy solutions are not only insufficient, but also harmful to society. Only holistic approach to understanding evolutionary processes and events occurring at the turn of formations and underlying the birth of new systems will help each of us today to comprehend our own role as the subject of modern culture. In Russian philosophy, the clearest example of such holistic approach is Vladimir Solovyov’s creativity.
The main and all-consuming subject of Solovyov’s reasoning is a human, his divinity nature, earthly and spiritual life, and his path to the implementation of Unitotality (All-Unity). So, the subject matter of our research is Vladimir Solovyov’s basic ideas directly related to those ones that he set out in his three core doctrines:
(i) on Divino-Humanity (Godmanhood) and its ‘trinitarian’ nature: physical, social and spiritual;
(ii) on Unitotality (All-Unity); this doctrine is based on the assertion of holistic spiritual and value nature of people that is the main basis of their unity;
(iii) on Absolute Truth that is Absolute manifested itself in love.
Here we mean by ‘homiletics’ the art of conversation, opinion formation on the basis of faith, and search for doctrinal (creedal) truth.
In our article, we represent our explication of ‘methodology of love’ read out from Vladimir Solovyov’s works, and its application to the educational activity. The main points are the following:
(i) Overcoming egoism occurs on the way of moral and spiritual becoming which a person realizes without sacrificing his/her ‘I’, but revealing its existence in others, multiplying it and carrying out his/her own subjectness.
(ii) There are two ways of formation of human integrity: through ‘emotional education’, and through learning. The meaning of ‘emotional education’ is internalization of cultural values.
(iii) Creating a special kind of person’s property (personal property, after Solovyov), or human capital is of the essence. Homiletic approach to Solovyov’s writings has allowed us to draw the following conclusions.
Firstly. The existence and adoption of Trinitarian (divine-human-like) model of an individual’s development and his/her social formation as well as elaboration of appropriate educational technologies will contribute to the implementation of a progressive transition of Russian society into the new era, namely the era of true humanism as the pattern of a holistic spiritual space of ideas and values.
Secondly. What are the truths that can be taught on the basis of the Faith? What are their differences from those that can and must be justified by reason, reasoning and common sense? Solving this problem is one of the most important educational potential of Solovyov’s findings. From our point of view, the third (spiritual) birth of a person provides his/her personal transition and implementation of the social life in new post-nonclassical paradigm of existence. It is characterized by the fact that it is the human’s trinity (physical, social and spiritual nature) defines and induces the ‘Trinity’ of space of his/her existence.
Thirdly. Our article contains a summary reflecting in a concentrated form 35 responses to the main questions raised in three Solovyov’s doctrines.
Fourthly. We offer a perspective direction of development of pedagogical and cognitive technologies as well as of formation of methodological principles of education based on the trinity of feelings, reason and faith which can be observed by the results of study of moral categories, among which the most important are the ‘Truth’, ‘Love’ and ‘Conscience’.
As a whole, the main our result correlated with Solovyov's creation is Philosophy of Love, which nowadays is the mainstream in all human being hypostasis including education.
Keywords: Vladimir Solovyov’s philosophy; cognitive and moral categories; pedagogical cognitive categories; Love; Conscience; God.
Cite MLA 7:
Kolomeytsev, A. E., V. S. Meskov, and N. R. Sabanina. "Space of the Intellectual World. Part Three. Vladimir Solovyov. Cognitive Technologies of Moral World: Magic of Love; Veritas of Love; Wisdom of Love (Scientific-methodical Study Aid)." Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time 12.2 (2013).Web.<2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast12-2.2016.22>.(In Russian).
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