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2016. Том 12. Выпуск 1. Крымоведение: пространство и время Крыма / Crimean Regional Studies: Space and Time of Crimea / Krimforschung: Raum und Zeit des Krim
Хайрединова З.З.
Правовое регулирование положения крымскотатарского крестьянства в конце XVIII—XIX вв.
Хайрединова Зарема Зудиевна, кандидат исторических наук, доцент, Крымский федеральный университет имени В.И. Вернадского, Таврическая академия, философский факультет, доцент кафедры культурологии и религиоведения (Симферополь)
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8334-7688E-mail: zarema-z-khairedinova@j-spacetime.com; hzarema@gmail.com
В статье рассматривается законодательная база регулирования положения крымскотатарского крестьянства в конце XVIII—XIX вв. Медленное решение земельного вопроса привело к значительному обезземеливанию крымскотатарского населения, в первую очередь, крестьянства. С одной стороны, крестьяне-поселяне крымские татары в большинстве своем не имели письменных документов, подтверждавших прав собственности на землю, с другой стороны, как следствие происходила массовая эмиграция крымскотатарского населения из Крыма в Турцию.
Ключевые слова: крымские татары, положение мусульманского населения, Таврическая губерния, правовое регулирование, земельный вопрос в Крыму.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Хайрединова, З. З. Правовое регулирование положения крымскотатарского крестьянства в конце XVIII—XIX вв. [Электронный ресурс] / З.З. Хайрединова // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2016. — Т. 12. — Вып. 1: Крымоведение: пространство и время Крыма. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast12-1.2016.32.
Khairedinova Z.Z.
The Legal Regulation of Crimean Tatar Peasantry Position in Late 18th—19th Centuries
Zarema Z. Khairedinova, Ph.D. (History), Associate Professor, Chair of Cultural and Religious Studies, Taurida Academy, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Russian Federation, Simferopol
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8334-7688E-mail: zarema-z-khairedinova@j-spacetime.com; hzarema@gmail.com
History of estate structure of Russian society in the 18th—20th centuries is the subject of active research for over two decades. In conditions when the position of Crimean Tatar population of Russia becomes the subject of much speculation, I think the actual address to the little known pages of the Crimean Tatar society stratification, namely, to the consideration of legal status of the Crimean Tatar peasantry in late 18th — early 19th centuries.
Using source analysis and method of historic reenactment, I consider the legislative framework of adjustment of Crimean Tatar peasantry position in land and chevage problems, as well as in personal estate rights. I have shown that Russian government’s legislative acts focused on Crimean Tatar peasantry equation with Crimean Christians in the fiscal system. As to personal estate rights, it should be noted that Crimean Tatar peasants have never been serfs, in contrast to the other residents of Crimea.
At the same time, bringing the essence of laws (especially in field of taxation) to the attention of Crimean Tatar population occurred slowly, over a long time and with much ado. It was because of lack of knowledge in Russian language that leads to misunderstandings and, as a result, to distrust of new government. Slow decision-making in land issues led to a significant land dispossession of Crimean Tatar population, primarily of peasantry. On the one hand, the majority of Crimean Tatar peasants did not have written documents confirming their ownership of the land. On the other hand, in this regard, there was a massive emigration of the Crimean Tatar population from Crimea to Turkey.
I conclude disadvantages of legal regulation in land and taxation problems may cause similar problems in each next stage of history of the relationship between the Crimean Tatar population and the Russian administration.
Keywords: Crimean Tatar, position of Muslim population, Taurida Governorate, legal regulation, land problem in Crimea.
Cite MLA 7:
Khairedinova, Z. Z. "The Legal Regulation of Crimean Tatar Peasantry Position in Late 18th—19th Centuries." Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time 12.1. (‘Crimean Regional Studies: Space and Time of Crimea’) (2016). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast12-1.2016.32>. (In Russian).
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