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2016. Том 11. Выпуск 1. Система планета Земля / 'The Earth Planet System / System Planet Erde
Белашев Б.З.
Психотропные эффекты земных недр. Модели и механизмы
Белашев Борис Залманович, доктор технических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Института геологии Карельского научного центра РАН, профессор Петрозаводского государственного университета итет ORCID 0000-0002-2081-658X
E-mail: belashev@krc.karelia.ru; boris-z-belashev@j-spacetime.com
В рамках кислородной, электромагнитной и микробной моделей представлен обзор особенностей поведения, в том числе и коллективного, населения геологически активных районов Земли, позволяющий связать эти особенности с особым режимом дыхания и доминирующей ролью правого полушария головного мозга.
Ключевые слова: геологически активные зоны; разломы; электромагнитные поля; микробы; гипоксия; мозг; доминирование правого полушария; истерия; когнитивные, поведенческие и психические расстройства.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Белашев, Б. З. Психотропные эффекты земных недр. Модели и механизмы [Электронный ресурс] / Б.З. Белашев // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2016. — Т. 11. — Вып. 1: Система планета Земля. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast10-1.2016.64.
Belashev B.Z.
Psychotropic Effects of the Earth's Interior. Models and Mechanisms
Boris Z. Belashev, D.Sc. (Technics and Engineering), Leading Researcher at the Institute of Geology of the RAS Karelian Research Centre, Professor at Petrozavodsk State University ORCID 0000-0002-2081-658X
E-mail: belashev@krc.karelia.ru, boris-z-belashev@j-spacetime.com
Interaction of man and the geological environment is an actual problem. So, understanding of characteristic features of the behavior in people living in geologically active areas of Earth is of great academic and practical interests.
Experiments over humans and the environment are very dangerous. That’s why modeling is the main method of research.
In my article, I represent oxygen, electromagnetic and microbial models for description behavior of inhabitants of the geologically active areas of the Earth. This three models are based on narrative overview of wide experimental data published in Russian and foreign scientific literature and applied these models to analysis.
Oxygen model takes into account both the lack of oxygen in areas of the mantle and hypoxia in residents of these zones. This model explains physiological and behavioral phenomena in humans by changing mode of breathing and dominance of the right brain.
Electromagnetic model allows me to reveal the leading role of the right brain in magnetic field and its close connection with the limbic brain (and non-verbal behavior). Magnetic field also affects gut microflora and contributes to the virulence of some bacterial infection.
In the faults areas, there are favorable conditions for development of microbial environment. In my article, I give an overview of recent publications on the impact of bacteria on cognitive, behavior and psychic disorders. These studies demonstrate an active formation of microbial model of human masses behaviors.
Microbial model was directly associated with both electromagnetic and oxygen models. Linkage of electromagnetic models with oxygen one is not so obvious. However, among the human reactions to change the magnetic field, we can distinguish the breath delay. Also, the brain activity is registered by its oxygen consumption ability.
Relationships of models eventually reflect the coherence of the processes in the human body when interacting with the geological environment.
Keywords: geological active zones; faults; electromagnetic fields; microbes; hypoxia; brain; hysteria; dominance of the right brain; cognitive, behavior and psychic disorders.
Cite MLA 7:
Belashev, B. Z. "Psychotropic Effects of the Earth's Interior. Models and Mechanisms." Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time 11.1(‘The Earth Planet System’) (2016). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast11-1.2016.64>. (In Russian).
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