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Белов В.Н.
Герменевтика религиозного опыта – точка пересечения русской и итальянской философии (предисловие переводчика). Дж. Риконда. Традиция и мышление. Глава 7. Русская философия девятнадцатого века и воскрешение (перевод)
Белов Владимир Николаевич, доктор философских наук, профессор Сочинского института Российского университета дружбы народов, член Экспертного совета по проведению государственной религиоведческой экспертизы при Министерстве юстиции РФ
E-mail: belovvn@rambler.ru
Представлен перевод фрагмента книги известного современного итальянского философа Джузеппе Риконда. В книге туринского профессора собран ряд очерков, связанных единой темой понимания традиции как живой и постоянно меняющейся. Автор книги предлагает такой концепт традиции, который организует метаисторические принципы, передающиеся от поколения к поколению. В то же время эти принципы оказываются действенными только в отношении к истории, демонстрируя в ней свою бесконечную неисчерпаемость. Новые проблемы, возникающие в истории, требуют и новых креативных ответов.
Ключевые слова: Туринская философия, русская религиозная философия, Н. Федоров, Вл. Соловьев, Л. Толстой, Ф. Достоевский, воскрешение.
Бердяев Н. О назначении человека. Париж: Современные записки, 1931. 320 с.
Европейская философия в контексте современности / М. Мори, Дж. Риконда, Дж. Куоццо, Л. Бертолино. Под ред. В.Н. Белова. Саратов: Научная книга, 2006. 142 c.
Зеньковский В. История русской философии. М.: Академический Проект, 2001. 880 с.
Соловьев В.С. Три разговора о войне, прогрессе и конце всемирной истории // Соловьев В.С. Соч. в 2-х т. Т. 2. М.: Мысль, 1988. С. 635—762.
Трубецкой Е.Н. Несколько слов о Соловьеве и Федорове. (Ответ Н.П. Петерсону) // Вопросы философии и психологии. 1913. Кн. 3. С. 412—426.
Федоров Н.Ф. Собрание сочинений: В 4-х тт. Том I. М.: Издательская группа «Прогресс», 1995. 518 с.
Федоров Н.Ф. Собрание сочинений: В 4-х тт. Том II. М.: Издательская группа «Прогресс», 1995. 544 с.
Федоров Н.Ф. Собрание сочинений: В 4-х тт. Т. III. М.: Традиция, 1997. 766 с.
Федоров Н.Ф. Собрание сочинений: В 4-х тт. Том IV. М.: Evidentis, 2004. 655 с.
Berdjaev N. De la destination de l’homme. Essai d’ethique paradoxale. Lausanne: L’age d’homme, 1979. 384 p.
Clement O. I visionary. Saggio sul superamento del nichilismo. Milano: Jaca Book, 1987. 225 p.
Müller L. "Solowiew und Tolstoj. Eine Studie zur Komposition und der Enstehungsgeschichte der Drei Gespräche." Catholica Unio 21.3 (1953): 68—77.
Riconda G. Tradizione e pensiero. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2009. 394 p.
Riconda G., Bosco N. Occidente, cristianesimo e progresso. Antologia degliscritti di C. Leont’ev e N.F. Fedorov. Torino: Giappichelli, 1981, pp. 112—116.
Young G.M. Nikolai F. Fedorov. An Introduction. Belmont: Norland Publishing Company, 1979, pp. 3—35.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Белов, В. Н. Герменевтика религиозного опыта – точка пересечения русской и итальянской философии (предисловие переводчика). Дж. Риконда. Традиция и мышление. Глава 7. Русская философия девятнадцатого века и воскрешение (перевод) [Электронный ресурс] / В.Н. Белов, Дж. Риконда // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2015. — Т. 10. — Вып. 1: Пространство и время текста — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast10-1.2015.53.
Belov V.N.
Hermeneutics of Religious Experience: The Intersection Point of Russian and Italian Philosophy (Interpreter’s Preface). Giuseppe Riconda. "Chapter 7. Russian Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Resurrection." Tradition and Thinking. (Trans. from Italian)
Vladimir N. Belov, D.Phil., Professor at Sochi Institute of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, member of Expert Council for State Religious Expertise under Russian Ministry of Justice
E-mail: belovvn@rambler.ru
Here is a translation of a fragment of the book written by known contemporary Italian philosopher Giuseppe Riconda. Professor of Turin book is a series of essays related to a single topic of understanding tradition as a living and ever-changing. Riconda offers the concept of tradition, which organizes metahistorical principles passed down from generation to generation. At the same time, these principles are effective only with respect to history, showing it in its endless inexhaustible. New problems in the history require new and creative answers.
As for Russian philosophy, Italian thinker emphasizes the fact that, since the 18th century, in Russia there is an obvious revival of secular culture, independent of ecclesiastical consciousness. This process continued in the 18th century. In the 19th century, this problem was posed and more deeply considered Slavophiles, whose philosophy is not only to have a clear awareness of the threat posed to the practice of faith is secular thinking, and is characterized by the interpretation of Western thought, completely capitulated to the secularization and a clear awareness of the need to develop philosophical and theological alternative.
Riconda pays particular attention to Nikolai Fedorov’s creativity, as it considers the successor of the original ideas of the Slavophiles. According to the author, his radical critique of present ideas of progress, which is a characteristic aspect of Russian thought. In his works, Fedorov discussed such topics, as the theme of eschatology and resurrection, which are treated in relation to the theme of progress. Riconda emphasizes this fact should not surprise us, since the Russian religious philosophy defines itself in relation to secularism, which is what progress can serve as a secular and immanent alternative to the religious and transcendental eschatology, if at all, is not its secular transcription
Riconda noted Solovyov also criticized the idea of progress. Main pathos of Solovyov’s critics, according to the Italian philosopher, concluded in a statement, first of all, the ambiguity of progress, civil progress, because along with the gains and benefits of civilization must take into account the negative phenomena that accompany them, progress in general, which, together with the increase good features and accordingly increases the possibility of evil.
In general, the domestic reader is of interest to view the Italian philosopher, according to which the development of philosophical thought in Russia and Italy have much in common, which, in turn, with all the indispensable specificity of development of the Russian and Italian philosophy is the basis for the emergence of the general characteristics of thinking Russian and Italian.
Keywords: Turin philosophy, Russian religious philosophy, Nikolai Fedorov, Vladimir Solovyev, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, resurrection.
Berdjaev N. De la destination de l’homme. Essai d’ethique paradoxale. Lausanne: L’age d’homme, 1979. 384 p.
Berdyaev N.A. The Destiny of Man. Paris: Sovrmennye zapiski Publisher, 1931. 320 p. (In Russian).
Clement O. I visionary. Saggio sul superamento del nichilismo. Milano: Jaca Book, 1987. 225 p.
Fedorov N.F. Collected Writings. Moscow: Evidentis Publisher, 2004, volume IV, 655 p. (In Russian).
Fedorov N.F. Collected Writings. Moscow: Progress Publisher, 1995, volume I. 518 p. (In Russian).
Fedorov N.F. Collected Writings. Moscow: Progress Publisher, 1995, volume II. 544 p. (In Russian).
Fedorov N.F. Collected Writings. Moscow: Traditsiya Publisher, 1997, volume III, 766 p. (In Russian).
Mori M., G. Riconda. G., Cuozzo G.., Bertolino L. The European Philosophy in the Context of Modernity. Ed. V.N. Belov. Saratov: Nauchnaya kniga Pyblisher 2006. 142 p. (In Russian).
Müller L. "Solowiew und Tolstoj. Eine Studie zur Komposition und der Enstehungsgeschichte der Drei Gespräche." Catholica Unio 21.3 (1953): 68—77.
Riconda G. Tradizione e pensiero. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso, 2009. 394 p.
Riconda G., Bosco N. Occidente, cristianesimo e progresso. Antologia degliscritti di C. Leont’ev e N.F. Fedorov. Torino: Giappichelli, 1981, pp. 112—116.
Solovyov V.S. "Three Conversations on War, Progress and the end of world history." Writings. Moscow: Mysl Publisher, 1988, volume 2, pp. 635—762. (In Russian).
Troubetzkoy E.N. "A Few Words about Soloviev and Fedorov. (Response to N.P. Peterson)." Problems of Philosophy and Psychology 3 (1913): 412—426. (In Russian).
Young G.M. Nikolai F. Fedorov. An Introduction. Belmont: Norland Publishing Company, 1979, pp. 3—35.
Zenkovsky V. A History of Russian Philosophy. Moscow: Akademichesky Proekt Publisher, 2001. 880 p. (In Russian).
Cite MLA 7:
Belov, V. N. "Hermeneutics of Religious Experience: The Intersection Point of Russian and Italian Philosophy (Interpreter’s Preface). Giuseppe Riconda. "Chapter 7. Russian Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Resurrection." Tradition and Thinking. (Trans. from Italian)." Elektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie Al'manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya: ‘Prostranstvo i vremya teksta’ [Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time: Space and Time of Text’] 10.1 (2015). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast10-1.2015.53>. (In Russian).
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