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Фёдоров В.В.
Архитектурная среда как текст
Фёдоров Виктор Владимирович, доктор культурологии, профессор, заведующий кафедрой архитектуры и градостроительства Тверского государственного технического университета
E-mail: vvf322@yandex.ru
Архитектурная среда рассматривается как важнейшая составляющая пространств социального бытия. Обращение к концепту «архитектурный текст» позволяет более полно судить о различных аспектах взаимодействия субъекта со средой предметно-пространственного окружения. Обсуждается возможность определения границ архитектурного текста с помощью математических методов.
Ключевые слова: архитектура, архитектурный текст, свойства и границы текста, восприятие архитектуры.
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Бурдьё П. Физическое и социальное пространства: проникновение и присвоение [Электронный ресурс] // Бурдьё П. Социология политики / Сост., общ. ред. и предисл. Н.А. Шматко. М.: Socio-Logos, 1993. Социальное пространство Пьера Бурдьё. Режим доступа: http://bourdieu.name/content/fizicheskoe-i-socialnoe-prostranstva-proniknovenie-i-prisvoenie.
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Савчук В.В. Топологическая рефлексия. М.: Канон, 2012. 346 с.
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Сидоренко Е.В. Методы математической обработки в психологии. СПб.: Речь, 2004. 352 с.
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Суханцева В.К. Музыка: Язык-текст-понимание [Электронный ресурс] // Суханцева В.К. Музыка как мир человека. От идеи вселенной — к философии музыки. К.: Факт, 2000. Культурология: теория, школы, история, практика. Режим доступа: http://www.countries.ru/library/music_culture/mkm3.htm.
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Федоров В.В., Давыдов В.А., Левиков А.В. К проблеме установления границ, уровней и языка архитектурного текста // Пространство и Время. 2014. № 1(15). С. 102—105.
Федоров В.В., Давыдов В.А., Скибина Е.В. Малые формы в структуре архитектурного текста // Архитектура и строительство России. 2013. № 6. 2013. С. 25—29.
Федоров В.В., Коваль И.М. Мифосимволизм архитектуры. М.: КомКнига, 2009. 224 с.
Федоров В.В., Левиков А.В. Городское пространство как система визуальных дискурсивных маркеров // PRAXEMA. Проблемы визуальной семиотики. 2015. № 1(3). С. 51—55.
Федоров В.В., Скибина Е.В. Феномен архитектурных руин // Вестник МГСУ. 2013. № 8. С. 7—13.
Федоров В.В., Федоров М.В. Энциклопедия архитектурно-ландшафтных образов и смыслов. Тверь: Полипресс, 2013. 68 с.
Федоров В.В., Шикун А.Ф. «Пиковые переживания» в восприятии среды предметно-пространственного окружения // Вестник ТГУ. Серия Педагогика и психология. 2012. № 1. С. 23—27.
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Brumfield W.C. "From Victor Hugo to Fedor Dostoevskii: 19th-Century Perceptions of Architecture as Historical Text." Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 6 (2015) 1026—1036.
Brumfield W.C. "Reading Architecture: Building and Text in Nineteenth-Century Russia." O Rus! Studia litteraria slavica in honorem Hugh McLean. Ed. S. Karlinsky, et al. Oakland: Berkeley Slavic Specialities, 1995, pp. 38—46.
Fedorov V.V., Levikov A.V. "Architettura dell'assurdo." Italian Science Review 2 (2014): 71—75.
Schönle A. "Broken History and Crumbling Stones: The Romantic Conception of Architectural Preservation." Slavic Review 71.4 (2012): 745—765.
Schönle A. "Ruins and History: Observations on Russian Approaches to Destruction and Decay." Slavic Review 65.4 (2006): 649—669.
Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:
Фёдоров, В. В. Архитектурная среда как текст [Электронный ресурс] / В.В. Фёдоров // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2015. — Т. 10. — Вып. 1: Пространство и время текста — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast10-1.2015.111.
Fedorov V.V.
Architectural Environment as Text
Viktor V. Fedorov, D.A. (Cultural Studies), Professor, Head of the Chair of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tver State Technical University
E-mail: vvf322@yandex.ru
Architectural environment is the most important component of social life spaces. Integral potential of architectural and landscape environment makes it a structure able to unite the spatial-temporal aspects of being with individual and mass consciousness. At the same time, since the architecture is also a system of elements-signs, ordered (compositionally, harmonic and semantically) according to the ‘syntactic’ regulations, it may with good reason be interpreted as an architectural text. Its studying allows more complete estimate various aspects of the interaction between human and environment of his substantive-spatial setting.
The subjects of my study are both concept of ‘architectural text’ (its semantics first of all) and particular practical possibility of reading the architectural text of modern Russian provincial city (in my article, I represent a case study of architectural text of the crossroads of two main avenues in Tver city). For these goals I use structural and functional, system, comparative, and semantic approaches. I also discuss the possibility of determining the frontiers of architectural text by using mathematical methods. The systems approach suggests relate to this text both to (i) fixation system of its creators’ artistic conception, (ii) a set of signs and (iii) a space of meanings. Correlation between values of material-substantive environment and time (of creating and reading) becomes a key aspect for adequate reading of architectural text. So, I examine the architectural text of built-up environment of crossroad in Tver as an interaction of two chronotopes, which are traditional (pre-revolutionary) Russian and Soviet ones.
As general conclusions, I mark the contours of the problem field for studying architectural texts as such. I also conclude a person who perceives the architectural text, read it as evidence of success or failure of those or other actors. As to case study of architectural text of Tver crossroad, I conclude although the time interval between construction of all the buildings is relatively short (50—60 years), stylistically all elements of this text look completely alien to each other; they do not generate a single architectural image. The buildings located at a distance of about 1.3 km, are first of all the vivid imprint of dominant ideology, technical policy and economic opportunities of their time.
Keywords: architecture, architectural text, properties and boundaries of the text, perception of architecture.
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Brumfield W.C. "From Paris to Saint Petersburg: 19th-century Perceptions of Architecture as Historical Text." Word 52 (2006): 19—21. (In Russian).
Brumfield W.C. "From Victor Hugo to Fedor Dostoevskii: 19th-Century Perceptions of Architecture as Historical Text." Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 6 (2015) 1026—1036.
Brumfield W.C. "Reading Architecture: Building and Text in Nineteenth-Century Russia." O Rus! Studia litteraria slavica in honorem Hugh McLean. Ed. S. Karlinsky, et al. Oakland: Berkeley Slavic Specialities, 1995, pp. 38—46.
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Fedorov V.V., Davydov V.A., Levikov A.V. "On the Determination Problem of Architectural Text’s Boundaries, Its Levels and Language." Prostranstvo i Vremya [Space and Time] 1 (2014): 102—105. (In Russian).
Fedorov V.V., Davydov V.A., Skibina E.V. "Small Forms in the Structure of Architectural Text." Architecture and Construction of Russia 6 (2013) 25—29. (In Russian).
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Fedorov V.V., Levikov A.V. "Architettura dell'assurdo." Italian Science Review 2 (2014): 71—75.
Fedorov V.V., Levikov A.V. "Urban Space as a System of Visual Discourse Markers." ΠΡΑΞΗΜΑ. Journal of Visual Semiotics 1 (2015): 51—55. (In Russian).
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Fedorov V.V., Skibina E.V. "Phenomenon of Architectural Ruins." Herald of Moscow State Building University 8 (2013): 7—13. (In Russian).
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Savchuk V.V. Topological Reflection. Moscow: Kanon Publisher 2012. 346 p. (In Russian).
Schönle A. "Apology of a Ruin in the Philosophy of History: Providentialism and Its Disintegration [= Modernity as a ‘Destroyed Anthill’]." Independent Literary Review 1 (2009): 24—38. Reading Hall in "Russian Journal". Russian Journal, n.d. Web. <http://magazines.russ.ru/nlo/2009/95/sh6.html>. (In Russian).
Schönle A. "Broken History and Crumbling Stones: The Romantic Conception of Architectural Preservation." Slavic Review 71.4 (2012): 745—765.
Sidorenko E.V. Mathematical Methods in Psychology. St. Petersburg: Rech Publisher, 2004. 352 p. (In Russian).
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Cite MLA 7:
Fedorov, V. V. "Architectural Environment as Text." Elektronnoe nauchnoe izdanie Al'manakh Prostranstvo i Vremya: ‘Prostranstvo i vremya teksta’ [Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time: Space and Time of Text’] 10.1 (2015). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast10-1.2015.111>. (In Russian).
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