ISSN 2227-9490
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Electronic Scientific Edition
Almanac Space and Time
[e-Almanac Space and Time]

Часть издательского проекта “Пространство и Время” 
The part of the "Space and Time" Рublishing Рroject



ПРЕСС-РЕЛИЗ совместного проектаФилософского факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова,Московского общества испытателей природы при МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова,Федерального государственного бюджетного научного учреждения«Институт стратегии развития образования Российской академии образования»и «Электронного научного издания Альманах Пространство и Время»в рамках подготовки и проведенияXIX Всемирного фестиваля молодежи и студентов в РоссииФедерального государственного бюджетного научного учреждения  «Институт стратегии развития образования Российской академии образования», Российского университета дружбы народов, Московского общества испытателей природы при МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова и «Электронного научного издания Альманах Пространство и Время»  в рамках подготовки и проведения  XIX Всемирного фестиваля молодежи и студентов в России

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Крымский философский клуб

Крымский травник

Каспийский Диалог 2016


»   2018. Том 16. Выпуск 1-2

DOI  10.24411/2227-9490-2018-11041

Кавтарадзе Д.Н.
Естественное, неестественное и противоестественное в науке и образовании: опыт включенного наблюдения

Кавтарадзе Дмитрий Николаевич, доктор биологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник, Биологический факультет МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова

В статье рассматривается развитие естественнонаучного и гуманитарного образования на рубеже веков, терминологические и смысловые барьеры на пути их сопряжения. Роль университетов в успехах и заблуждениях общества значительна и зависит от точек роста научной мысли и форм общественной жизни. Судьбы цивилизаций тесно связаны с картинами мира в представлениях людей и сопряжения с биосферными процессами.

Ключевые слова: развитие личности; картина мира; общество риска; риски образования; междисциплинарность; управление; сложные системы; познавательные барьеры; нормальные аварии; нерешаемые задачи; имитационные модели; Болонский процесс.

Цитирование по ГОСТ Р 7.0.11—2011:

Кавтарадзе, Д. Н. Естественное, неестественное и противоестественное в науке и образовании: опыт включенного наблюдения [Электронный ресурс] / Д.Н. Кавтарадзе // Электронное научное издание Альманах Пространство и Время. — 2018. — Т. 16. — Вып. 1—2. — Стационарный сетевой адрес: 2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast16-1_2.2018.41. DOI 10.24411/2227-9490-2018-11041.

DOI 10.24411/2227-9490-2018-11041

Kavtaradze D.N. Natural, Non-natural and Unnatural in Science and Education: Inclusive Observation Experience

Dmitry N. Kavtaradze, D.Sc. (Biology, Ecology), Leading Researcher at Biological Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University

Scientific pictures of the world and its models, as well as civilization development scenarios require secular education to achieve the integrity of the image of the world. Dictate of the paradigm of services, priorities of ‘all found’ consumption (including entertainment, food, transportation, computing, dating, and private live from matrimonial acquaintances to reproduction in ‘eco’ style) have brought up generations who received neither adequate information on the environment, nor the experience of interaction with its diversity, so this fact limited the possibilities for personal enhancement. These not optimistic results are largely the result of the current state of education and science.

The subject matter of my article is cognitive and management problems of development of modern natural-science and humanities education, first of all terminological and conceptual barriers to their integration. Using system, problem and axiological analysis in the framework of narrative approach, I attempted to generalize my own scientific and pedagogical experience, as well as those that accumulated at Moscow State University over the last three decades, correlating with the results of Russian and foreign studies of the late 20th — first two decades of 21st cc. in science and education management theory.

In particular, I show that the role of universities in successes and misconceptions of society is significant and depends on the points of growth of scientific thought and forms of social life, and here it should be borne in mind that the destinies of civilizations are closely related to the world's pictures in people's perceptions and conjugation with biosphere processes. Thus, the current social life hazard is that techno-civilization is fundamentally abiotic and leads to a loss of vital life values and development criteria necessary for human development in the changing biosphere. New generations turned out to be demobilized, both intellectually and emotionally; they failed to acquire biologically necessary qualities of adaptation to the changing biosphere and society. Characteristic for this civilization is the return of behavioral and social atavisms that enhance the humanitarian catastrophe. Local social welfare institutions, as well as those of education, politics, cross-country interactions, relationships with nature, etc. lost their efficiency, which made it possible to define modernity as a ‘risk society’, i.e. as society generating risks that did not exist before. In the circumstances, any attempt to centralize science/education control on unchanged techno-social and consuming principles (the Bologna process and other attempts to build a ‘knowledge society’) will not lead to an increase in the effectiveness of the scientific and educational processes, but to degradation of both educational/scientific sphere and the ability of critical thinking as such.

I believe this state of affairs can be changed on the basis of knowledge of the laws and technologies with which it was created, otherwise pseudo-innovation can ruin the country through fruitless costs. At the same time, the task of science and education should be to prepare society for the collapse with minimal risks and losses. This implies the possibility of centralized coordination based on the sustainability of ecosystems that support human life and, consequently, the need to develop dynamic models for working out crisis management scenarios. The core of problem solving here is the provision of biological safety of man with the existence of a variety of forms in the evolving biosphere. In this regard, I conclude that it is necessary (i) to return to territorial oriented life-support planning, (ii) to ensure the priority vital resources of bioregions in the long-term perspective for 3-4 generations, (iii) to develop systematic models for the development of cities and regions with ecologically permissible risk, (iv) to divide responsibility for risk-cause actions between state, administrative structures, families and citizens on the basis of both common vision and imprescriptible rights and obligations, (v) to divide the principles of management on the base of developers motivation and performers stimulation. The educational system should help to understand the structure of the world and its place in it, to promote the socialization of generations of citizens ‘in the here and now.’ The goals of sustainable development adopted by the UN, as well as its medium- and long-term prospects allow laying the foundation for system models, scenarios and actions for their implementation based on the recognition of time as a non-renewable resource.

Keywords: personal enhancement; picture of the world; a risk society; education risks; interdisciplinarity; science and education control; complex systems; cognitive barriers; normal accidents; unsolvable tasks; simulation models; Bologna Process.

Cite MLA 7:

Kavtaradze, D. N. "Natural, Non-natural and Unnatural in Science and Education: Inclusive Observation Experience." Electronic Scientific Edition Almanac Space and Time 16.1—2 (2018). Web. <2227-9490e-aprovr_e-ast16-1_2.2018.41>.  DOI 10.24411/2227-9490-2018-11041. (In Russian).

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